I AM NOT A DOCTOR.The content in this blog is based on my experiments. Please refer htyremedies.blogspot.com, htypracticals.blogspot.com, htyinjuryremedies.blogspot.com.

Saturday, 31 December 2016

Proof for single remedy cure

                                 Proof for single remedy cure
The allopathic system is widely accepted because it gives quick result and instant relief. If we take pain killer for headache, the headache disappears and it becomes a proof that it works. No body thinks that  if it is taken  for longer time, the number of tablets will be  increased. If it  is continued  for longer-longer time, we  fall prey to some more diseases and the  number of medicines also increases. To stop this practice and protect our life, the one and only way is to follow single remedy cure according to the curing principles of homoeopathy. Following is the proof and advantages of  single remedy cure-
(1) The cause of all the diseases removed/eliminated/cured, so all the previous diseases cured.
(2) No medicine required. Medicine free life.
(3) Disease free life.
(4) Never to fall sick again. If you fall sick again unfortunately due to some reason, the same constitutional remedy which cured you now, will cure you in future also. That means the constitutional remedy, which is used according to single remedy system, remains the same for entire of your life. It never changes. It can be used for almost all the diseases. Our body structure, colour and human characteristics remain the same for entire of our life and so is the constitutional remedy. 
(5) The body weight is maintained automatically and exactly according to the body-mass index.
(6) You remain happy from within.
(7) You feel delighted all the 24 hours. You do not walk on the earth but literally 5 feet above the ground level.
(8) you look beautiful- In what ever shape and colour you have been blessed, it becomes beautiful. It is a very pleasing surprise to me to see people becoming beautiful after getting single remedy cure.  The beauty  is not simple, it is striking beauty which compels others to say that you look beautiful for your  age. No one can look so beautiful naturally, without single remedy cure. Single remedy system is  a beautiful system and the followers become beautiful. 
(9) The allergy and hereditary causes are expelled out from the body which no other system can ever do.
(10) You save your precious time and money.
(11) Your life expectancy is increased.

please  refer single remedy cure.

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Single remedy cure

                                                                    WHAT IS SINGLE REMEDY TREATMENT/cure
Although  every page  and every   sentence   in  the  blog  is   very important to   understand ,      
              still I request  all  my  readers to pay special attention to this topic.
                                                                                 After taking up the case, we carry out case  study, in detail,  to finalise  the hidden infection and it’s line of treatment. In most of the cases the entire sufferings of a patient is the cause of only one infection. It is considered to be the root cause of the entire sufferings.
                                             The use of only one Homeopathic remedy to drive the infection out from a patient’s body is called SINGLE REMEDY SYSTEM OF HOMEOPATHY. That means the infection(root cause) should be driven out of the patient’s body by using only one Homeopathic remedy. One/single remedy which was used, may need to be complemented by it’s complementary remedy. In such a case, the two remedies combined together form one remedy for the case in hand. 
                                             Remember disease treatment, disease management and disease cure are all different things.The treatment is superficial. Disease management is business and disease cure is complete cure. Remember Homeopathy and single remedy system of Homeopathy are two different things.                                                            
                                                                   Single remedy system of Homeopathy is the only system in the world which can offer complete and permanent cure by removing the hidden infection(the so called root cause). It suggests that treating the disease directly, as is done in conventional system, can never cure a disease. It advocates to remove the hidden infection in order to get the complete and permanent cure. 
                                                                                                       Single remedy system of Homeopathy is a superior science of symptoms. But we need to develop the art of cure. This science always advocates to remove/eliminate the cause which created several diseases. It offers wonderful cure by removing the hidden infection and never to fall sick again. We need to follow the difficult law of cure.  
                                                                                     Mistreatment in Homeopathy is very common. And therefore save yourself from mistreatment. The remedies offer cure only if used correctly. The misuse will harm beyond imagination and over use will kill. 
                                                                                                                                 Most of the people do not follow the Single remedy system of Homeopathy, the law of cure. They follow the short cut method of treating disease directly, as is done in conventional system, and blame Homeopathy for their failure to cure. Failure to cure is our failure, Single remedy system of Homeopathy never fails. 
                                                                           Single remedy system of Homeopathy is a wonderful science of complex symptoms.The system offers various constitutional remedies to cure each and every patient. The remedy must produce manifestation. We need to interpret and understand the manifestation in terms of symptoms. Manifestation is the favourable symptom which indicates that the remedy is suitable for the patient and that it will cure all the diseases in a patient. No other system in the   world has this unique feature except Single remedy system of Homeopathy.  Based on this, Doctor  E. B. Nash has written in his "Leaders in   Homeopathy"-No other system can be parallel to Single remedy system of Homeopathy. The whole world will remember and remain indebted to Dr. Nash for his contribution in Homeopathy. 
                                                                                                                                   It is very difficult task to follow The Single remedy system of Homeopathy. We need to have in-depth knowledge of the system. We must be able to clearly understand the action and behaviour of the homeopathic remedies.  And finally we must be ready to struggle to cure a patient.                              
                          Disease is never by itself. Disease is the front face of the cause(the infection hidden in the body). Disease is the reflex of the infection hidden in a patient. The disease may be called a natural out cry of an infection hidden in the body. This out cry has been well understood by Homoeopathy. I am sure that no other system has understood this so much well as much Homoeopathy. But one can realise the virtues and importance of Homoeopathy only and only if you follow the Single remedy system and not otherwise. Who ever gets the single remedy cure, only those fortunate people can appreciate and know the value of Homoeopathy. Experience the natural way of treatment. One infection one remedy. Only one remedy for many diseases.
                                                                                                                           How to choose a single remedy- It is not a new thing and every one concerned knows that it always remained a tough task to select a single remedy for a case in hand. It is so difficult  that people generate a tendency not to follow the single remedy system. But it is not impossible to follow the single remedy system and with practice it becomes simple. That is the reason it has been said that there can not be any thing better than getting a single remedy cure on this planet earth. Dr. Nash has said that nothing can parallel single remedy treatment and i confirm his statement to be true.The question is how to filter out one remedy from the long list of Homeopathic preparations. The important points to be considered are as follows—
              (A) The root cause
               (B) The parts effected with it’s side.
               (C) Aggravation
               (D) Amelioration.
               (E) Complete symptoms from mind to skin according to MM and Repertory. (Dr.Boericke)
               (F) Miscellaneous- which you will come to know from time to time in this blog.
                                          A patient has two painful teeth(Right molar).  The patient gargled with cold water temperature about 7 deg. c. and ever since he realised some problem in the teeth. After some time he has painful teeth during chewing food (Pain sudden appear and sudden disappear.No pain otherwise). The cause was cold exposure/contact.It was acute case and it takes our attention directly to one preparation--Belladonna. In this case it is not required to consider any thing else. All the four points are clear and and this is the remedy. This remedy will never fail. 
                                                                            The chronic cases are different. A disease prolonged for more than six months or more may be considered to be chronic. Generally the symptoms are not clear and one symptom points to many other and different remedies. Generally they are chronic in nature. Let us see important factors effecting the single remedy selection -
(1) The most troublesome symptom may point to the single remedy guided by it’s constitution.
(2) The antidote of the indicated remedy may show it’s symptoms. In this case, even a micro-micro quantity of a remedy will increase the sufferings immediately (may be within few minutes to few hours, depending up on the quantity). The sufferings will increase too much in proportion to the quantity used. It will give a shock. It will be required to antidote the remedy immediately so as to bring the situation under control and reduce the sufferings. Mean while it will mean that the remedy is not suitable and is probably opposite in nature to the required remedy.
(3) The antidote to the antidote of the required remedy may show it’s symptom.
(4) The remedy with capital letter affinity to the indicated remedy may show it’s symptom. 
(5) The remedy with capital letter affinity to capital letter affinity to capital letter affinity may show it’s symptoms. For example—If A is the indicated/required remedy for the case in hand and B remedy has capital letter resemblance to A remedy then the B remedy may display it’s symptom, where as A is the actual required remedy. If B remedy has capital letter resemblance to C remedy, the C remedy may display it’s symptom, where as A is the actual required remedy. In such a  case the symptoms shown by B and C remedy has to be separated. It will again depend up on the constitution of the patient. If B remedy is given, the symptoms of B remedy may disappear but it will not produce any manifestation. If C remedy is given, the symptoms of C remedy may disappear but it will not produce any manifestation. But if the actual indicated/required  A remedy is given, it will produce manifestation and the symptoms of all the remedies (A,B & C) will be cured. This cure will be in totality and according to the curing principles of Homoeopathy.  you may need to read and reread to understand it.
(6) The indicated remedy having affinity with remedy in small bold letter, small letter and the letters in Italics may show it’s symptoms, but less alarming  than the capital resemblance.
(7) We can take the help of grand characteristics 
(8) The complementary remedy may display it’s symptoms.
(9) Many remedies may show 99% of the symptoms displayed by the patient. But only one remedy will show 99.999% of the symptoms. And that single remedy should be considered the most suitable for the case in hand. And it should be tried first.
(10) Few symptoms  may be produced only once and becomes silent there after. For example—Symptoms during Chicken pox resembled to the remedy Aconite Nap. 30 but did not produce any other symptom of Aconite there after. In such a case we can go  for drug affinity and all the remedies that can be antidoted by Aconite.
(11) Some times it is seen that even after careful selection and correct manifestation, the patient is not totally cured. He is left with few more sufferings. That means few more infections are hidden in the body and could not be covered by one remedy. In cases like this, it may be required to give few more remedies to cover the left over. In one case I had to give three remedies to cover the cases in totality. But such cases are rare. And such kind of cure is very much according to single remedy cure. I gave Natrum sulph 30 and 200 for the cure of jaundice which he suffered five years before. By giving Nat. sulph-30, surprisingly  his feet swelling disappeared and i realised that his feet swelling was due to the infection of Jaundice. I gave  Bryonia Alba 30 & 200 for the headache and constipation and Brayta Mur 6 & 30 for tonsil and high blood pressure(High systolic pressure and comparatively low diastolic tension). The lab. test revealed that he had diminution of chlorides in urine and this symptom brought my attention to the remedy Baryta Mur.  His blood pressure was totally cured.

                                                                                                                             The above points become a mere guide and there seems to be no rule to select the single remedy. But still Similia similibus curentur remains the supreme guide. It would be worth to note that the knowledge and experience enable us to decide that the spirit of the remedy which we select is in harmony with the character of the disease. 
                                             Remember that Homoeopathy works and can be used in different levels. Only the top level, which is also the best level, which is single remedy treatment, can  cure a cause and thereby the diseases. People will come and go, systems will come and diminish but single remedy treatment will remain for ever. A wrong can not be promoted for longer time and a truth does not need to be promoted. please read proof for single remedy cure.

My objective  is to promote Single remedy system of Homeopathy. I wish to spread awareness and educate people. 
The blog is neither a request nor an appeal, neither an invitation nor an advice. The blog purely aims to educate people, explain the real sense of Homoeopathy and save the human from mistreatment and subsequent harm.

Long live the name of the discoverer Dr. Hahnemann. 
Read more--htyremedies.blogspot com, 

Wednesday, 21 December 2016


The different terms used in the system of Homoeopathy, with their simple and brief meaning, are as follows
(1) Materia Medica(MM)- It is a special book, in which the findings and symptoms are noted during the proving of a remedy.
(2) Repertory- It is the set of remedy which displays the specific symptom, during the proving. It reduces the volume of mm and displays all the remedies at a glance for one particular symptom. All the symptoms with their set of remedies are collected and put in the repertory for easy reference. 
(3)Generalities- Symptoms in general with the set of their remedies are put together under the head of Generalities.
(4) Aggravation- A state, condition, situation or a specific time- where a patient feels uncomfortable or where his suffering  increases, is called aggravation.
(5) Amelioration- A state, condition, situation or a time- where a patient feels comfortable or where his suffering decreases , is called Amelioration.
(6) Remedy- The homoeopathic preparations are called remedy. What is medicine in Allopathy, is the remedy in Homoeopathy.
(7) Complementary remedy- The remedy which compliments another remedy is called complementary remedy. They both combined together form one remedy in certain cases. They complete the work done by main remedy. If a patient displays ten symptoms, then the eight symptoms may be covered by main remedy and remaining will be covered by the complementary  remedy.
(8) Inimical- if one remedy is already working and is in action, the inimical remedy should not be given. It may be harmful and may create a state of confusion and  "Do not know what to do situation" These are specific remedies, which should not be used until the effect of related remedy is totally exhausted. It should never be used simultaneously.   
(9) Antidotes- A remedy that is used to reduce or neutralise the harmful effect of a remedy is called the antidote. Elaborate explanation will follow in pages to come. 
(10) Duration or periodicity- It is the duration of time for which a remedy, in certain potency and certain quantity, works. 
(11) Symptom- It is the disease and suffering of a patient.
(12) Potency- It is the strength of a remedy used for the purpose of curing.
(13)Affinity-Tendency of substances to combine with others, attraction,   relationship or resemblance is called affinity of one remedy with other remedy. The relationship of remedies  in homeopathy is very important. A very clear concept is a must to cure a patient.
(14) The Lack sack (placebo)-The plain sugar pills used on the pretext of remedy, is called lack sack. It carries no remedy. It is given simultaneously with the actual remedy. The actual remedy gives cure and the lack sack gives a psychological  feeling. It is given to control the psychology of a patient. By giving lack sack a patient feels attended and that he is taking enough  quantity of remedy and that he will be cured soon. The discoverer further says that unless you practice giving lack sack, you can not become a good Homoeopath. If a lack sack is not given, the patient always  doubted the remedy. The selected (main) remedy can never be given in much quantity so the only option left is to give lack sack. At the same time the lack sack should only be used in the process of cure and not for fun.

Friday, 16 December 2016

Important sayings

Let us look at some sayings and what could it mean-
(1) "Treat a patient not a disease"- It took too much time for me to understand this phrase. How can a patient be separated from his sickness? And how a sickness can be separated from a  patient?  Sickness is very much with the patient and a patient is very much suffering with a sickness. In order to understand this , let us say, a patient is suffering with following five sickness.
                    (a) Headache (b) Knee pain (c) Cold and cough (d) Skin disease in the nape
                    (e) Constipation.
                                               He consults a homoeopath. He informs him of his suffering number a, b and c. He forgets to explain suffering number "d" and decides to hide suffering number "e". He informs and explains  all other questions asked by the Homoeopath. After taking up the case, the Homoeopath decides the line of treatment after a lot of struggle. The remedy is started and it suits him. After some time the patient finds himself cured of all his sickness from "a" to "e". Now the patient wonders "how the sufferings got cured which i never informed to the homoeopath." It means that the patient was cured in totality according to the curing principles. The treatment was done for the patient and not for his sufferings. It ultimately  means that the hidden infection was removed from the body and all the sufferings were cured automatically. This is a cure in totality. This is not the cure of the disease. This is the cure of a patient.This is fine art of Homoeopathy and i am sure no other pathy can do this wonder except Homoeopathy. The disease is not of much importance once you come to know the infection hidden in the patient's body and the remedy required to cure the same. But  unless you inform all your disease, the selection of the remedy will become even more difficult.
(2) "Single remedy minimum dose"- It is due to the fact that only one (in most of the cases) infection creates several diseases and to cure the infection, only one remedy should be used. That means only one remedy should be capable to remove the infection and this is the very first law of the curing principles. Now the dose ought to be very small. If it is more than required quantity, the patient has to suffer a lot. The so called single remedy and the dose is very vital for Homoeopathy and therefore a separate page for the same will be necessary.
(3) " If you do not Know what to give -- Give Nux. vomica 30 or Aconite nap. 30" Well it may be partially correct. Because in few cases it may so happen that either one gave some relief. It could be mainly because the effect of Nux. v. can be antidoted by Aconite nap. and could be used vice verse also. So if one does not work try other. My experience differs in this regard because neither of the remedies could give any relief. In any case the quantity of the remedy ought to be very small.
(4) "Homoeopathy is safe"- It is safe only if you know how to handle the remedies thoroughly. Otherwise it totally unsafe and can harm beyond  your imagination. 
(5) "Homoeopathy has no side effect" - Now that you have read so much, it is self explanatory. 
(6) "Homoeopathy is time taking" you may say that. But it is the Homoeopath who takes time to understand the case. The remedies do not take time to come in action. The effect of the remedy starts the moment it touches the tongue. Be sure about it.
(7) "Homoeopathy is  a Sin"- Few people say Homoeopathy is useless, baseless and medicine less. I say it is all less. If some one refuses to understand something, only a fool can ask him to do so. If one can remain happy and disease free without Homoeopathy, please do so. What objection can a Homoeopath have to it? Homoeopathy is always in controversy due to some or other reason. But remember that many Allopath doctors have left their practice and started learning Homoeopathy. It was due to the pull of Homoeopathy  and not their choice. Why do you need to take kilos of medicines, if you can be cured by homoeopathic remedy, which virtually carries no medicinal substance and still powerful enough to cure the cause.
(8) "Homoeopathy first increases the diseases and then cures it"- It is totally wrong. it may be true for only two or three remedies( if the remedy and potency is well selected there may be minor, very little, increase in the disease) . I have seen the start of cure, the moment  remedy touched the tongue or within 15 hours, without any increase in disease.. In most of the cases if the disease aggravates or increases or some more disease is produced that means the remedy did not suit him. The selection of remedy and/or potency is wrong. Some times this confusion takes place, also because the well selected remedy produces manifestation like eruption in mouth, teeth sensitiveness etc. It is most happy and pleasant thing to happen. This is how the remedies expels the infection out from the body. Manifestation deserves a bigger space and therefore i will explain it later.
(9)"Homoeopathy has lots of prohibition and restriction"- There is no restriction of any kind. You can take any food or any drink. But raw onion, pickle or alcohol etc should not be taken, six hours before or after the remedy is taken. it is good habit. But after that nothing can stop Homoeopathic remedies from working. Nothing restricts the action of remedies. There are few remedies, which does not agree with tobacco, alcohol, milk etc. In such cases the homoeopath will issue specific instructions for the same.
(10) Life is a spirit, treat it with spirit- It is given by me and it is true. It drives the infection out from the body softly, effectively and without any complications. In most of the cases, the Allopathy complicates the disease and treat it.

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

The wonder

Dr. Hahnemann was an incarnation of God and gifted this wonder for the cause of humanity. After taking treatment for many diseases in Allopathy, I realised that  I can never  get complete cure. The  treatment in Allopath is very  superficial. Every time  a  disease is treated , the infection goes more inner and deeper day-by-day little-by little, causing more severe situation. when suppressed for longer time the infection becomes more strong in nature and the attack is so severe that even Allopathy can not suppress it any more. Be clever do not let this situation come. In allopathy the disease is treated but the cause of the disease remains hidden and keeps growing strong in the body. This makes a human to fall sick again and again. The only pathy that can remove the cause of sickness (Infection), and can give complete cure is Homoeopathy. Are you falling sick time and again, every now and then, have a closed look of your medical history and suffering details. You will find that your present sickness is the cause of infection , which entered your body long back. it must have got treated several times but never got cured. if you are falling  sick again and again or suffering regularly 
 (a) Think  why         (b) The way out.
                                                                              Stop yourself getting mistreated.  Adopt Homoeopathy and make sure to follow curing principles. REMEMBER there is a very big secret hidden here. The treatment strictly according to the curing principles of Homoeopathy is RARELY available. It is very-very difficult to  follow the curing principles of homoeopathy and that is the reason it is rarely available. Homoeopathy is loosing ground because curing principles are not followed..The statistics of India silently speaks this, try to understand.  If you can not get treatment according to the curing principles of Homoeopathy, then it is useless to adopt homoeopathy. Beware of Bogus doctors. If the curing principles are not followed, the Homoeopathic remedies are very harmful. In that case, it is better to take only Allopathic treatment. Never take any preparation of Homoeopathic remedies.You can realise the virtues of homoeopathy only if the curing principles are followed . Without following curing principles, the so called complete  cure  can never be achieved. Remember, Cure once in Homoeopathy is cure for ever and never to fall sick again.
                                                                         Remember the allopathy is quick, but it costs you heavy. Homoeopathy may be little time taking but it pays you heavy. It is your life, it is your choice. I am putting it here for the cause of Humanity. 
                                                                      Killers like Cancer,Paralysis,Diabetes,Kidney disorder and blood pressure (to name a few) are never an independent disease. These diseases do not happen in a day and suddenly. In most of the cases it is the reflex and most aggravated form of  the previous infection which remained dormant in the body for longer -longer time and never got cured. 
                                Remember Jaundice, Measles, chicken pox, Cholera , Malaria and severe injury are incurable. Please do not drag me to disputes. I am not against any system. Refer what to do when, page to come. 

                                      An infection can cause many diseases  but it can never be cured in many ways. It can only be cured by Homoeopathy and only if the curing principles are followed strictly. If you are cured in real sense, you will never fall sick. Remember  a homoeopath  has to struggle a lot and the patient has to bear a lot, to get a cure. Homoeopathy is never optional. it is the only pathy that can give you complete cure and a disease free life and you can remain happy from within. Let us join and follow curing principles of Homoeopathy to turn the dream of the discoverer true to make a disease free earth. If you happen to get a cure in homoeopathy you will realise- it was never so beautiful. 

Sunday, 11 December 2016

Modus operandi

We will take some example to understand the working of Homoeopathic remedies-
(1) Let us assume that a small quantity of some infection is hidden in the patient's body and this small infection is like a small piece of soil. We have to remove the piece of soil from the body by using a small knife. In order to remove the soil without any damage to the body, we have to use the knife very carefully and very slowly. So we have to scratch it slowly and slowly many-many times so as to completely remove it. If we use the knife harshly with force, the piece of soil will break or the knife may damage the surrounding. 
                                                                                                       Similar is the case here. we have to use the remedies very carefully and in micro-micro quantity. And in order to remove the infection completely, it may be required to repeat it many times. On the other hand if the quantity used is too much, it may produce many symptoms which will be a trouble  for the patient.
(2) You must have heard the story. There was a king. His care taker was a monkey and was quite obedient. One day the king went to sleep and asked the monkey to take care and nothing should disturb his sleep. One fly came and sat on the king's hand, there by disturbing the king. The monkey tried to drive the fly out, but in vein. The fly came again and again and disturbed the king. The monkey got angry and decided to kill the fly. The foolish monkey picked up the sword and drove hard on the fly. The king's hand got injured and cut. Absolutely nothing happened to the fly. The fly simply changed the place and sat on the king's leg.                                                                                                                                                 so is the case here. We can not be foolish and harsh while curing a patient. If we use the remedies without patience, knowledge and care, the patient will be in trouble. Nothing happens to the infection hidden in the patient's body. It simply remains hidden in the body and creates many diseases.  
(3)  Let us understand it this way. A human has few sufferings due to an infection hidden in the body. Let us presume that the infection is in the form of a horse.The horse is big in size, is of white colour with black  patches, has large abdomen and thin legs. Now   we  have to   find a remedy which indicates this kind of infection.  The selected remedy should indicate all the features that a horse has. The remedy should never look duplicate. The remedy should reflect all the features  exactly, so as to replicate the infection. 
                                                                                   Now starts the noble work of homoeopathy.  The sufferings and the remedy's symptoms should coincide so much so that it appears to be exactly similar.  If the patient's sufferings and the well selected remedy's symptoms are exactly similar that means we have achieved the two " Simillia Similibus " the third word "curentur"  has to be achieved. Remember the discoverer what he said? On the other hand if the remedy does not have exactly the similar symptoms, the remedy can never give cure. Instead it will harm. Because if the symptoms of a remedy is exactly similar to the sufferings , it will cure the patient. But if the symptoms of a remedy is not exactly similar to the sufferings, it will create it's  symptoms. The very basic of Homoeopathy.
(4)  Derive it from a honey bee cob--There is sweet honey and the cob is home for millions of bees. What happens if we try to take out the honey.  Obviously the bees in anger will try to bite. They make every effort to bite hard. We must take the honey out, without getting any bite. In order to do that we have to remove the bees very softly and take the honey. I think it will be beautiful, if we take the honey out, without disturbing the bees. 
                                                                              Similarly, we have to use the remedies very softly & carefully in order to remove the infection without harming the patient. Of course we have to prepare for it. Honestly speaking, the time  taken to prepare to start the treatment may take many days, weeks and months. The time taken will depend on the case and the situation. The time taken and the situation can never be compared with any other system of treatment in this regard.  It is true and the very requirement of the system. If any one deviates from it, the cure can never be achieved. Getting a cure in Homoeopathy is like catching a fish by hand  from a pond. Visualise the skill.                                                                                                                                   

Saturday, 10 December 2016

The vast science

Homoeopathy is the science of symptoms with unknown length, width and depth. That is the reason it is well compared with the Ocean. It becomes not only difficult but almost impossible for a human to explore every aspect and A to Z of it. It may be considered as a disadvantage of the system.
                                             The advantage is that it can cure almost all diseases from it's root, in almost all human. The so called complete cure is hidden in the system. It is nature's secret. The question is how to find the way to find the right remedy to cure a patient. A patient displays numerous symptoms in his life time. Few symptoms guide us towards the right remedy and few symptoms misguide us so as to go away from the right remedy. The selection of a right remedy, for the case in hand, becomes a very-very difficult task. The difficulty in the selection of the right remedy is due to the system and the human as well. The immediate selection of the right remedy becomes almost impossible. That is the reason i say that instant prescription in Homoeopathy is ninety nine percent fake and one percent may be correct by the grace of God.
                                                         This difficulty is by the virtue of the symptoms displayed by the patient also. It is due to the fact that few symptoms of a remedy get intermixed with the few symptoms of other remedy. Few symptoms are common in two remedies. Few symptoms are common in many remedies. The intermixed  and similar symptoms are described as comparative symptoms.
                                                            Definitely the cure can not be so easy. Why the human should fall sick at all, when a curative system is available.Why the graph of India as well as the whole world should point towards  ill health. Why the statistics should show the rise in diabetes, cancer and other killer disease.
                                                                            Homoeopaths  all over the world, have consistently tried to solve the problem of  selection of right remedy. The direct tailored way to the selection of right remedy, for the case in hand, has not been achieved as yet. The over all image of the system is unreliable, invalid and a secondary system. The fact is that the quick result is possible but can not be guaranteed. But as far as cure is concerned, the Homoeopathy is the most reliable system. Homoeopathy is the only system that offers cure in totality. As far as i believe  no other system can offer so perfect cure as Homoeopathy. Not every one knows what is cure.  Only those who get the cure, know what is cure. No other system can be parallelled to Homoeopathy.  Dr. HAHNEMANN, the great man and the grand system--THE HOMOEOPATHY.

Can Homoeopathy be fatal

Well, it is point to understand. In general any thing that is beneficial, is capable of harming as well. Let us understand it in a very simple and natural way. The milk is beneficial and is also a part of our balanced diet. The average quantity of milk consumed by an adult may vary from 250ml to 1000ml daily. Alright now, can we take 2000 ml of milk daily? Yes we can take but rarely and not all of us. So far so good but now think, can we take 5000ml of milk daily? The answer is no. The milk is same but depending upon the quantity the answer has changed from  YES to RARELY and finally to NO. But what can happen if we drink 5000ml of milk forcefully. The first thing will be that our body will not accept it and we will vomit it out. It may cause us to fall sick.
                                Let us take one more example. We breath air and oxygen is used by our lungs for the exchange of carbon dioxide. Oxygen is our very need for survival. Each second of our life should be oxygenated. But think, can we breath pure oxygen. The answer is NO. If we breath pure oxygen for longer and longer time, there may be oxidation which will cause heat. It is undesirable and harmful as well.
                                                                                    So is the case with Homoeoepathic preparations, the so called remedy. The remedy is beneficial only if it is taken in the way it is required to be taken. And to know the way and correct use, it takes decades and decades, to understand the characteristics behaviour of  a remedy. just believe me for now.  On the other hand if the remedy is taken in wrong way and used incorrectly, the whole life may be ruined. Here i fully agree with Dr. Nash. Refer "Expanded work of Dr. Nash"  Preface page number xvii. It states that --The drug capable of curing, misapplied may kill instead of curing. So, i would like to warn once again and remind you that the remedy is beneficial only if applied and taken correctly. If taken incorrectly, only God knows the result. Remember it and do not forget.

Friday, 9 December 2016

Proving and Curing

There are two main uses of  the homoeopathic preparations. One is for the purpose of proving. In the process of proving a  group of healthy people take the same remedy in the same potency and same quantity. All of them take the remedy repeatedly, some times in excess to find much about it. They keep taking the preparation repeatedly to understand, how the remedy behaved.  The symptoms produced thereby is documented  and compared in various regards. The job of proving is already complete and over. There can hardly be any thing left. Our ancestors have already completed the job of proving. In the process of proving many people have struggled the way out  and many have sacrificed their life. Dr. Hahnemann struggled for about 32 years and presented the fine art of cure. He will be remembered for this fine art , till the human being will exist on this earth. 
                                                   After Dr. Hahnemann, many more doctors entered the new world of the Homoeopathy. Dr. William Boericke, Dr. E.B.Nash, Dr. H.C. Allen, Dr, John Henry Clarke and Dr. Kent , to name a few, joined  with their own group of provers and came up with their own findings. They all formed their own materia medica The findings of all the doctors are some what similar but they do differ from one another. Their contribution is also integral part of the Homoeopathy. And the whole world will remember them all for their contribution.  
                                                  I humbly request my readers not to go for proving. Despite my request if one goes for it then i would advice him to secure himself personally and financially. Because in most probation the suffering will be so much so that one has to loose his job. Once upon a time even the discoverer was in a stage where his life was uncertain.Every body then got scared and afraid. In any case, you are not obliged to believe me and i am not responsible for any thing.
                                                                                            The second use of Homoeopathic preparation is for the purpose of curing. In the process of curing, we are neither required to take much quantity of  a preparation nor required to repeat  it frequently. We need to take micro-micro quantity of a remedy at a suitable interval of time. I would stop here for now because the related experience will be shared in the pages to come. 


Homoeo is Greek word which means like, similar, of the same kind. Pathy is Greek word which means Feeling, emotion, suffering, disorder or disease. 
                                                                                                Homoeopathy got originated in the year 1796 by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann and is based on the doctrine of "Similia similibus curentur", which means Likes cure likes. It is based on the fact that if a substance that causes the symptoms of a disease  in healthy people, will cure exactly similar symptoms in the sick people. It is the science of complex symptoms which states that likes are cured by likes.
                                                                                                                    I have experienced and noted that the set of created symptoms, by the same remedy in the same potency and quantity, may differ from one human to other. It mainly depends upon the constitution and the past medical history of the patient. This makes Homoeopathy a complex and unique system of curing diseases.
                                                          Dr. Hahnemann gave Homoeopathy its name in the late 18th century and is also called law of similar. He was extremely clever and  great observer. He observed that the men working on the cinchona tree bark developed similar symptoms to that of malaria. The cinchona tree bark is source of quinine, which is used to treat malaria. Once he saw the evidence of the law of similars, he started thinking deeply about this Phenomenon. He wrote his book six times as he gathered knowledge and experience. He published a complete over view of his new medical system in the year 1810 "The organon of the healing art". Please refer the page -- The discoverer.
                                                                       Homoeopathy maintains that treating disease by directly opposing their symptoms, as is done in conventional system of medicine, is ineffective.This is because all diseases can generally be traced to some latent, deep seated, underlying chronic or inherited tendency. The underlying miasmas remain in the body, even after conventional treatment and the deep seated elements can be corrected only by deeper disturbance or correction of  the vital force.  
                                             The law of susceptibility implies that a negative state of mind can attract Hypothetical disease entities called 'Miasm' to invade the body and produce symptoms of disease.
                                   Dr. Hahnemann looked for the way to reduce the damaging side effects associated with medical treatment. In the process he observed that symptoms caused by toxic medicines were similar to those of the disease they were being used to treat. He went on to document his work and the text formed the foundation of Homoeopathic remedies. 
                Diluting the  preparation of Homoeopathic remedies was the strange thinking of Dr.Hahnemann. In the  process of dilution the second strange thing was observed. The second strange thing was that by diluting the preparation more and more, the strength of the preparation increased more and more. This phenomenon gave more surprise than ever thought.
             I would like to remind you that by giving stronger and stronger preparation of a remedy, all the cases can not be cured. The strength determination is a great task. Every potency has a corresponding set of illness, which is roughly different from each other in nature and periodicity.
                 Doctors that time did not know how the remedy worked. They talked about the Placebo effect (Psychological & false) and tried to stop Dr. Hahnemann from practising. However continuous effort, excellent results, his admirers and supporters kept it on the path of development.
                          The remedies are prepared by repeatedly diluting a chosen substance in alcohol or distilled water followed by forceful and vigorous striking on an elastic body. Each dilution followed by succession is said to increase the remedy's potency (strength). The potency is the strength or power to cure a set of symptoms. The dilution usually continues well past the point where none of  the original substance remains. 
                                                                                                        Homoeopathy attracts controversy because there is no medicine present in the Homoeopathic preparation after a certain succession. The science requires at least one molecule of a medicine to be called a medicine. No medicine in the  medicine is not a medicine. But more importantly experiments have have already demonstrated that remedies have biological effects and do differ from water or spirit.
                                                                                                                                     To be of real value the facts are indisputable, even if they can not be proved. 
                                                                                                          Does water has the memory? How does the strength increases just by diluting? How is the curing power gained and maintained? How the medincine-less medicine strikes a cause so powerfully? What could be secret of the science of symptoms? How the preparation preserves the curing power for decades & decades? And many more such questions are raised by scientists all over the world. Even tons-and-tons  of theory can never equal one truth that is Homoeopathy-- but only for those who believe it. Long live the name of Dr. Hahnemann.                                                        

Thursday, 8 December 2016


Doctor Samuel Hahnemann was born on the 10th April 1755 in Germany. The reformer was son of Christian Gattfried Hahnemann and Johana Christiana. He was a brilliant student and frequent in many languages.  He acquired his M.D degree from Erlangen University and practiced Allopathic medicines.
                                                   In the year 1790 whilst translating Cullen's materia medica therapeutics, he found the indications of Peruvian bark(Cinchona Officinalis), that is bitter in taste and cures intermittent fever. Dr. Hahnemann was dissatisfied with this explanation and by way of experiment, he took the medicine himself. He took the medicine repeatedly in excess. Eventually he noticed symptoms very similar to ague of malarial fever. This effect the Cinchona bark  produced  on him, gave birth to the idea of Homoeopathy.This unexpected result set up in his mind a new train of thought and he conducted similar experiments on himself and other individuals with other medicines whose curative action in certain diseases have been well established. He further noticed that no two substances produced exactly the same set of symptoms. 
                                                                                         On the basis of such successive experiments Dr Hahnemann came up to conclusion that medicines cure diseases because they can produce similar diseases in healthy individuals. Finally in the year 1796 the discovery was brought to light and he put forward his doctrine "Similia similibus  curentur" which means "let the like be cured by like" After this he wrote the books "Organon of medicine" and "Materia medica pura"in which he described the whole system of the Homoeopathy. He came up with a system which is helpful to the human being. This is the greatest job one can do in his entire life.
                                                                    The father of Homoeopathy died in Paris on 2nd July 1843. Such people never die. They remain alive even after death. I offer my heartiest gratitude to him. I could not have lived my life without Homoeopathy. The injury in my feet had jeopardised  my life. Only Homoeopathy could rescue me.
                                              Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843)
He is immortal and will remain so. Long live the name of Hahnemann.

Sunday, 4 December 2016

Turning point

I am an electrical engineer by profession. I got an injury in my heel (left feet) in the year 2000. I got it treated at various places by many Allopath and Homoeopath doctors, but in vain. The treatments  gave some temporary relief but not cure. My heel was so painful that it was difficult for me to walk. I lost my job and my life was ruined. I got to know that getting complete cure is very-very difficult, but  Homoeopathy may give complete cure. I  hold my self strong and started study of HOMOEOPATHY. I cured my self of all my illness including heel injury. My joy knew no bound. After getting amazing cure , I recognised my ability and interest in Homoeopathy and started comprehensive study and experimentation.I will share the details in pages to come. Long live the name of Dr. HAHNEMANN, the discoverer of Homoeopathy. The objective is to promote Homoeopathy and spread awareness. Please refer htyremedies.blogspot.com