I AM NOT A DOCTOR.The content in this blog is based on my experiments. Please refer htyremedies.blogspot.com, htypracticals.blogspot.com, htyinjuryremedies.blogspot.com.

Saturday, 10 December 2016

Can Homoeopathy be fatal

Well, it is point to understand. In general any thing that is beneficial, is capable of harming as well. Let us understand it in a very simple and natural way. The milk is beneficial and is also a part of our balanced diet. The average quantity of milk consumed by an adult may vary from 250ml to 1000ml daily. Alright now, can we take 2000 ml of milk daily? Yes we can take but rarely and not all of us. So far so good but now think, can we take 5000ml of milk daily? The answer is no. The milk is same but depending upon the quantity the answer has changed from  YES to RARELY and finally to NO. But what can happen if we drink 5000ml of milk forcefully. The first thing will be that our body will not accept it and we will vomit it out. It may cause us to fall sick.
                                Let us take one more example. We breath air and oxygen is used by our lungs for the exchange of carbon dioxide. Oxygen is our very need for survival. Each second of our life should be oxygenated. But think, can we breath pure oxygen. The answer is NO. If we breath pure oxygen for longer and longer time, there may be oxidation which will cause heat. It is undesirable and harmful as well.
                                                                                    So is the case with Homoeoepathic preparations, the so called remedy. The remedy is beneficial only if it is taken in the way it is required to be taken. And to know the way and correct use, it takes decades and decades, to understand the characteristics behaviour of  a remedy. just believe me for now.  On the other hand if the remedy is taken in wrong way and used incorrectly, the whole life may be ruined. Here i fully agree with Dr. Nash. Refer "Expanded work of Dr. Nash"  Preface page number xvii. It states that --The drug capable of curing, misapplied may kill instead of curing. So, i would like to warn once again and remind you that the remedy is beneficial only if applied and taken correctly. If taken incorrectly, only God knows the result. Remember it and do not forget.

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