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Saturday, 10 December 2016

The vast science

Homoeopathy is the science of symptoms with unknown length, width and depth. That is the reason it is well compared with the Ocean. It becomes not only difficult but almost impossible for a human to explore every aspect and A to Z of it. It may be considered as a disadvantage of the system.
                                             The advantage is that it can cure almost all diseases from it's root, in almost all human. The so called complete cure is hidden in the system. It is nature's secret. The question is how to find the way to find the right remedy to cure a patient. A patient displays numerous symptoms in his life time. Few symptoms guide us towards the right remedy and few symptoms misguide us so as to go away from the right remedy. The selection of a right remedy, for the case in hand, becomes a very-very difficult task. The difficulty in the selection of the right remedy is due to the system and the human as well. The immediate selection of the right remedy becomes almost impossible. That is the reason i say that instant prescription in Homoeopathy is ninety nine percent fake and one percent may be correct by the grace of God.
                                                         This difficulty is by the virtue of the symptoms displayed by the patient also. It is due to the fact that few symptoms of a remedy get intermixed with the few symptoms of other remedy. Few symptoms are common in two remedies. Few symptoms are common in many remedies. The intermixed  and similar symptoms are described as comparative symptoms.
                                                            Definitely the cure can not be so easy. Why the human should fall sick at all, when a curative system is available.Why the graph of India as well as the whole world should point towards  ill health. Why the statistics should show the rise in diabetes, cancer and other killer disease.
                                                                            Homoeopaths  all over the world, have consistently tried to solve the problem of  selection of right remedy. The direct tailored way to the selection of right remedy, for the case in hand, has not been achieved as yet. The over all image of the system is unreliable, invalid and a secondary system. The fact is that the quick result is possible but can not be guaranteed. But as far as cure is concerned, the Homoeopathy is the most reliable system. Homoeopathy is the only system that offers cure in totality. As far as i believe  no other system can offer so perfect cure as Homoeopathy. Not every one knows what is cure.  Only those who get the cure, know what is cure. No other system can be parallelled to Homoeopathy.  Dr. HAHNEMANN, the great man and the grand system--THE HOMOEOPATHY.

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