We will take some example to understand the working of Homoeopathic remedies-
(1) Let us assume that a small quantity of some infection is hidden in the patient's body and this small infection is like a small piece of soil. We have to remove the piece of soil from the body by using a small knife. In order to remove the soil without any damage to the body, we have to use the knife very carefully and very slowly. So we have to scratch it slowly and slowly many-many times so as to completely remove it. If we use the knife harshly with force, the piece of soil will break or the knife may damage the surrounding.
Similar is the case here. we have to use the remedies very carefully and in micro-micro quantity. And in order to remove the infection completely, it may be required to repeat it many times. On the other hand if the quantity used is too much, it may produce many symptoms which will be a trouble for the patient.
(2) You must have heard the story. There was a king. His care taker was a monkey and was quite obedient. One day the king went to sleep and asked the monkey to take care and nothing should disturb his sleep. One fly came and sat on the king's hand, there by disturbing the king. The monkey tried to drive the fly out, but in vein. The fly came again and again and disturbed the king. The monkey got angry and decided to kill the fly. The foolish monkey picked up the sword and drove hard on the fly. The king's hand got injured and cut. Absolutely nothing happened to the fly. The fly simply changed the place and sat on the king's leg. so is the case here. We can not be foolish and harsh while curing a patient. If we use the remedies without patience, knowledge and care, the patient will be in trouble. Nothing happens to the infection hidden in the patient's body. It simply remains hidden in the body and creates many diseases.
(3) Let us understand it this way. A human has few sufferings due to an infection hidden in the body. Let us presume that the infection is in the form of a horse.The horse is big in size, is of white colour with black patches, has large abdomen and thin legs. Now we have to find a remedy which indicates this kind of infection. The selected remedy should indicate all the features that a horse has. The remedy should never look duplicate. The remedy should reflect all the features exactly, so as to replicate the infection.
Now starts the noble work of homoeopathy. The sufferings and the remedy's symptoms should coincide so much so that it appears to be exactly similar. If the patient's sufferings and the well selected remedy's symptoms are exactly similar that means we have achieved the two " Simillia Similibus " the third word "curentur" has to be achieved. Remember the discoverer what he said? On the other hand if the remedy does not have exactly the similar symptoms, the remedy can never give cure. Instead it will harm. Because if the symptoms of a remedy is exactly similar to the sufferings , it will cure the patient. But if the symptoms of a remedy is not exactly similar to the sufferings, it will create it's symptoms. The very basic of Homoeopathy.
Now starts the noble work of homoeopathy. The sufferings and the remedy's symptoms should coincide so much so that it appears to be exactly similar. If the patient's sufferings and the well selected remedy's symptoms are exactly similar that means we have achieved the two " Simillia Similibus " the third word "curentur" has to be achieved. Remember the discoverer what he said? On the other hand if the remedy does not have exactly the similar symptoms, the remedy can never give cure. Instead it will harm. Because if the symptoms of a remedy is exactly similar to the sufferings , it will cure the patient. But if the symptoms of a remedy is not exactly similar to the sufferings, it will create it's symptoms. The very basic of Homoeopathy.
(4) Derive it from a honey bee cob--There is sweet honey and the cob is home for millions of bees. What happens if we try to take out the honey. Obviously the bees in anger will try to bite. They make every effort to bite hard. We must take the honey out, without getting any bite. In order to do that we have to remove the bees very softly and take the honey. I think it will be beautiful, if we take the honey out, without disturbing the bees.
Similarly, we have to use the remedies very softly & carefully in order to remove the infection without harming the patient. Of course we have to prepare for it. Honestly speaking, the time taken to prepare to start the treatment may take many days, weeks and months. The time taken will depend on the case and the situation. The time taken and the situation can never be compared with any other system of treatment in this regard. It is true and the very requirement of the system. If any one deviates from it, the cure can never be achieved. Getting a cure in Homoeopathy is like catching a fish by hand from a pond. Visualise the skill.
Similarly, we have to use the remedies very softly & carefully in order to remove the infection without harming the patient. Of course we have to prepare for it. Honestly speaking, the time taken to prepare to start the treatment may take many days, weeks and months. The time taken will depend on the case and the situation. The time taken and the situation can never be compared with any other system of treatment in this regard. It is true and the very requirement of the system. If any one deviates from it, the cure can never be achieved. Getting a cure in Homoeopathy is like catching a fish by hand from a pond. Visualise the skill.
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