I AM NOT A DOCTOR.The content in this blog is based on my experiments. Please refer htyremedies.blogspot.com, htypracticals.blogspot.com, htyinjuryremedies.blogspot.com.

Wednesday, 21 December 2016


The different terms used in the system of Homoeopathy, with their simple and brief meaning, are as follows
(1) Materia Medica(MM)- It is a special book, in which the findings and symptoms are noted during the proving of a remedy.
(2) Repertory- It is the set of remedy which displays the specific symptom, during the proving. It reduces the volume of mm and displays all the remedies at a glance for one particular symptom. All the symptoms with their set of remedies are collected and put in the repertory for easy reference. 
(3)Generalities- Symptoms in general with the set of their remedies are put together under the head of Generalities.
(4) Aggravation- A state, condition, situation or a specific time- where a patient feels uncomfortable or where his suffering  increases, is called aggravation.
(5) Amelioration- A state, condition, situation or a time- where a patient feels comfortable or where his suffering decreases , is called Amelioration.
(6) Remedy- The homoeopathic preparations are called remedy. What is medicine in Allopathy, is the remedy in Homoeopathy.
(7) Complementary remedy- The remedy which compliments another remedy is called complementary remedy. They both combined together form one remedy in certain cases. They complete the work done by main remedy. If a patient displays ten symptoms, then the eight symptoms may be covered by main remedy and remaining will be covered by the complementary  remedy.
(8) Inimical- if one remedy is already working and is in action, the inimical remedy should not be given. It may be harmful and may create a state of confusion and  "Do not know what to do situation" These are specific remedies, which should not be used until the effect of related remedy is totally exhausted. It should never be used simultaneously.   
(9) Antidotes- A remedy that is used to reduce or neutralise the harmful effect of a remedy is called the antidote. Elaborate explanation will follow in pages to come. 
(10) Duration or periodicity- It is the duration of time for which a remedy, in certain potency and certain quantity, works. 
(11) Symptom- It is the disease and suffering of a patient.
(12) Potency- It is the strength of a remedy used for the purpose of curing.
(13)Affinity-Tendency of substances to combine with others, attraction,   relationship or resemblance is called affinity of one remedy with other remedy. The relationship of remedies  in homeopathy is very important. A very clear concept is a must to cure a patient.
(14) The Lack sack (placebo)-The plain sugar pills used on the pretext of remedy, is called lack sack. It carries no remedy. It is given simultaneously with the actual remedy. The actual remedy gives cure and the lack sack gives a psychological  feeling. It is given to control the psychology of a patient. By giving lack sack a patient feels attended and that he is taking enough  quantity of remedy and that he will be cured soon. The discoverer further says that unless you practice giving lack sack, you can not become a good Homoeopath. If a lack sack is not given, the patient always  doubted the remedy. The selected (main) remedy can never be given in much quantity so the only option left is to give lack sack. At the same time the lack sack should only be used in the process of cure and not for fun.

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