The Deceptive characteristic behaviour of the remedies
It is surprising that only few characteristic behaviour has been published by only few sites for such a vast science. Homoeopathy is an amazing science with secrets in very step. It reminds us that homeopathy is a science as well as an art, which has to be learnt in order to cure a case without causing any harm. It is for us to explore it. I have dedicated sixteen years of my life, reading Homoeopathy with 9 years 24x7 devotion, and still continue. During this period i myself took many-many remedies repeatedly in different potencies so as to learn & understand Homoeopathy. The findings are repeatedly confirmed and it is worse than said and better than explained. It is up to us to use it. I am sure that there can not be any mistake while writing. I have tried to illustrate all the characteristic behaviour of Homoeopathic remedies according to my practical experience. Very few/minor deviations may be experienced depending on the remedy, the quantity, the make & brand of a remedy, the potency, the climate & the weather and the constitution of the patient etc. In general it is true to all the constitutional remedies and are as follows—
(1) If the remedy taken is too less in quantity, the symptoms(effect of the remedy) will appear much later. If the symptoms appear after 10 to 15 hours, the quantity may be considered to be correct quantity.
(2) If the remedy taken is too much in quantity(for the case in hand) , the effect will appear immediately in few seconds. It is never a good sign. Even if the remedy is correct, the large quantity should never be given. Kindly do not relate injury remedies (A separate page will follow)
(3) The effect of the lower potency remedy appear sooner. The effect to the higher potency remedies appear after much time gap.
(4) The lower potency remedies work for smaller time and the higher potency remedies work for longer time.
(5) The lower potency of remedies will create (and thereby cure) a different set of symptoms and the higher potency will create (and thereby cure) a different set of symptoms. Every potency has a corresponding set of symptoms which can be created and thereby can be cured.
(6) The remedies may create different set of symptoms in different constitution of the patient. This makes Homoeopathy unique and complex. Therefore one remedy can not be used for any one disease. It would be worth to note that every case is a new case and a new search has to be made for each patient for the same disease. If five patients are diabetic, all the five will be cured by five different remedies.
(7) The metal and chemical kingdom remedies work for longer-longer time and the vegetable kingdom remedies work for smaller time. you need to study this in details, remedy wise.
(8) The Nosodes work for longer time. it should be used only in highest potency and in micro quantity. It has no antidotes. I have always advised, never use nosodes. The medical Chest of Homoeopathic remedies is sufficient enough to cover & cure all types of diseases in every human being. A separate page will follow.
(9) The venoms work for longer time and micro-micro quantity use is the only option. it is good to analyse and understand that after all ,what do you want to do out of a remedy? How long you want it work? How to control the adverse effect, if any? you must ascertain a suitable antidote for the case in hand before you administer a remedy.
(10) It appears that lower potency remedies carry some poisonous substance and that too with some strength, so it should be used with utmost care. It is very reactive in few cases. The higher potency may not carry any poisonous substance but the strength of the poison increases. By potentizing, It develops an atomic characteristic to act more inner, more deeper and for longer- longer time. So, it is always advised to use it with great care.
(11) All the Homoepathic remedies have strong drug affinities and therefore the symptoms get intermixed. It makes the selection of the right remedy very-very difficult.
(12) Follow up remedies make the previous remedy more strong , which may result in more aggravation and longer action.
(13) We must follow the inimical remedy column seriously, Never use the inimical remedies either before or after or simultaneously. It creates confusion in the symptoms. The result is always bad. You will be dragged in “What to do state”
(14) Same remedy, same potency and the same quantity may produce different symptoms in different patients due to different constitution and medical back ground. This feature makes the Homeopathy --A complex science of cure.
(15) Remedies attack the weakest part of the body, first.
(16) Remedies attack the weakest organ of the body, most.
(17) The effect of the remedy may be displayed by the patient after some time delay. This time delay may be used in judging the exact quantity required. The greater quantity produces the symptoms very quickly. The smaller quantity produces the symptoms after much time delay. A delay of about 10 to 15 hours may indicate that the quantity given was the right quantity depending on the susceptibility of the patient. We have to expertise the art.
(18) If the remedy given is just opposite in nature to the required remedy, it may produce the effect much quickly. In such cases, the patient may fall in-proportionally sick due to the remedy. The situation becomes worse.
(19) When the action of the remedy is about to exhaust and finish, it will try to leave the body. At this time the action goes to the peak. It produces fever, then the alimentary system and then the circulatory system and lastly the resperatory system.etc. If the patient is strong enough, the remedy causes little harm and if the patient is weak, it causes great harm. If the quantity given was too much , it may be declared a case of multiple organ failure. The cause is silent because very few people know the use of the remedy. Here the remedy may work as a silent killer. May be, this is the reason, some body has said that using Homeopathic remedy without knowledge is like driving a car which is not fitted with brakes. It is due to this reason, I call it--DECEPTIVE characteristics behaviour of the Homeopathic remedies.
(20) If the quantity given was too much, it will take longer time to leave the body--10 years to 100 years. There are remedies, one pill can work for about 300 (three hundred) years.
(21) If the quantity given was too much, it will cause much disaster at the time of living the body. The situation may be out of control.
(22) Allopathic or Ayurvedic medicines can not counter the effect of homoeopathic remedies in most of the cases.
(23) Homoeopathic remedies should be better called potentized poisons .
(24) when a remedy is taken, it may aggravate the symptoms. The patient’s condition becomes worse. Please refer
(25) When a remedy is taken or given, it may produce some symptoms, which will eventually point towards the symptoms of actually indicated remedy.
(26) Never depend on the grand characteristic, it is just a reference.
(27) Do not believe in rumour and never have a preset in your mind that the Homeopathic remedies are safe to use and no side effect. The fact is that the Homeopathic remedies are most unsafe and if not used correctly, it has fatal after effects.
(28) If the quantity used is too much, the effect will be produced in the higher part of the body, it will act deeper in the body, it will act for longer time and while leaving the body, it will make the patient to fall sick seriously and dangerously.
(29) All the Homoeopathic remedies have it’s own set of symptoms and it’s own application.
(30) The lower potency work in lower and outer part of the body.
(31) The higher potency work in upper and deeper part of the body.
(32) Remedies work for longer-longer time in children, aged patients and weak patients. This makes the action of the remedy “age dependent”. Page to follow.
(33) Golden rule of Homeopathy suggests go from lower to higher potency. Starting from lower potency is like keeping safe from danger.
(34) If “A” remedy is an antidote as well as a follow-up to “B” remedy, the behaviour will depend up on the quantity used. The micro quantity of “A” remedy will work as an antidote to “B” remedy. If the quantity of “A” remedy is more, it will act as follow-up to “B” remedy and if the quantity of “A” remedy is much more, it will create it’s own symptoms.
(35) The disease which appear last, will be cured first. That means the diseases will be cured in the reverse direction of their appearance. For example, if a disease appeared few months back, it will be cured first and the disease which appeared few years back, will be cured next. But i have experienced that in few cases all the diseases started getting better and cured simultaneously.
(36) Repeated use of one or many remedies can not change the constitution of the patient. The remedies will produce it’s symptoms but the human’s constitution remains unchanged.
(37) If the effect of one remedy is not yet exhausted and mean while some more remedy is taken, the remedy may produce different symptoms depending on the remedy and the potency taken.
(38) if many or multiple remedies are taken simultaneously then the remedies will produce it’s own symptoms, may try to antidote one another, may cause more aggravation and the action will go to peaks and come out one by one. There is every chance of having a state of confusion in analysing a symptom. Refer point number 19.
(39) Homeopathic remedies are strong enough to expel the allergy and hereditary causes out of the body.
(40) The diseases created by over dosing of the remedy (Drug disease) is more serious than the natural disease of the patient.
(41) No single symptom should justify the prescription.
(42) Same infection, same family-- three members--Three different constitutional remedies will be used for cure. Single remedy minimum dose being the key to cure. Refer
(43) Suppose, a remedy produces ten symptoms, 8 symptoms (8 out of 10) may subside on it's own with time, at the time when the remedy's effect gets totally exhausted. But the remaining 2 Symptoms will get attached with the patient's constitution and now it can only be cured by the constitutional remedy of the patient.
These are just a few. There is no end to this wonder “Homoeopathy” Long live the Name of the discoverer Dr. Hahnemann.