I AM NOT A DOCTOR.The content in this blog is based on my experiments. Please refer htyremedies.blogspot.com, htypracticals.blogspot.com, htyinjuryremedies.blogspot.com.

Saturday, 14 January 2017

Sources of the remedy

                                                                 Sources of the Remedies
The various sources of Homeopathic remedies are as follows-
  1. Vegetable kingdom— All the plants, it’s parts and roots are used. For example-Leaves, Herbs, flowers, stems, barks, roots, seeds and the whole plants are used. It can be subdivided in two parts- Poisonous ( Belladonna, Bryonia etc.) and non- poisonous (Onion, Ginger etc.). It would be worth to note that by potentizing, it becomes powerful like that of an Atom and gains a characteristic, which is useful for human disease. A non-poisonous substance becomes poisonous and a poisonous substance  becomes very-very poisonous. Both are very helpful for Human diseases. Refer preparation of the remedies.
  2. Animal kingdom— It utilises milk, saliva, animal secretions and venoms (snake poison,Lachesis), honey bee(Apis Mell), ant ( Formica  Rufa) and dog’s milk (Lac. C.)etc.
  3. Mineral kingdom— It has various sources
        (a) Metals—Aluminium, Gold, Silver, Copper etc
        (b) Chemicals—Sulphur, Phosphorus etc. It includes non metals like Acids, Salts, Oils,           Spring  water, coal-tar etc.
(4) Secretions-It includes secretions from glands of living human.
(5) Nosode—In this source the diseased part of a body are used.

(6) Miscellaneous— It includes x-ray treated remedies etc.
All the remedies are prepared by poisonous plants or substances. All the remedies have poisonous effects. preparation makes it more poisonous and effective. That is the reason, the use of the remedies becomes difficult. If the remedy is not suitable, it will cause great harm.

Thursday, 12 January 2017

Prevention is better than cure

                                 Prevention is better than cure
Homeopathic remedies can be used as preventive also. Arnica,Hypericum and Ledum pal can be  used  in juries as preventive for Tetanus.  Baptisia can be used as a preventive for  Typhoid syndrome. 
                                                           Cure by Homeopathic remedy itself is prevention of disease. It does not only prevent diseases but the entire sufferings to come. It offers a disease free life. Most of the cures are once for ever and such cures can be called a prevention  as well.
                          Good eating and living habit can help us to prevent disease. The the rate of growth of infection gets retarded. On the other hand if the eating and living habit is not well maintained, the infection develops faster. This makes the human  to fall sick sooner. The over all health depends on our habits as well.  This is the reason i am putting it here. Points to ponder—
(1) Eat less, drink more.
(2) Wash your hands before taking food.
(3) Retire to bed in time and wake up before Sun rise.
(4) Avoid non-vegetarian food.
(5) Do not take alcoholic drinks.
(6) Take plenty of fruits, salads and uncooked food like sprouted gram.
(7) Never do yoga unless you know it full.
(8) No big hairs, no big nails.
(9) Do not count what you do not have. Thank God for what you have.
(10) Live in a clean place and clean home.
(11) Do your duties sincerely.
(12) Look after your parents
(13) Jogging, cycling and swimming are good exercise. Brisk walking is good for health. If no work and no exercise, then your heart has to work more. If too much tiring exercise, your heart has to work more again. Balance the equation.
(14) Contribute something to society for good cause.
(15)  Be honest and help the needy.
(16) Do not chew tobacco. It is dangerous.
(17) Do not smoke—Smoking is injurious to health, it reduces appetite, it reduces vigour, it causes cancer, smoking in public place is an offence, it harms , it kills, it darkens your lips making it look dull and it wastes your hard earned money. Do you want to still smoke? Stop smoking.
(18) Do not take much tea and coffee, instead take milk and curd.
(19) Keep your mind clean, do not harm others.
(20) Do not take Ayurvedic medicines in excess and  blindly. Remember, any thing that benefits can harm as well.
(21) Keep your paper clean. Pay the govt. taxes in time. It is important to be individually rich but at  some time or other you will realise that it is equally important to have a rich govt. which in turn provides development, good public transportation, safety and security of citizens etc. You earn peace of mind.

Tuesday, 10 January 2017


We have to put entire of our knowledge and effort to get the Manifestation. So, you can just understand the importance of manifestation. What is more surprising here is that the remedy itself indicates whether the given remedy is suitable for the patient or not. When I started the journey of Homoeopathy,  I my self could not believe that the Single remedy system  actually does so. But when the manifestation was produced in my body, I experienced the fact and got the cure. This is an unbelievable truth and there can not be any other system  parallel to this. It is better for all of us  to believe this. 
                   According to the single remedy system of cure when we give a  remedy it produces some symptom. We have to learn to read, understand and interpret  these produced symptoms. The so produced symptom may be an aggravation or a manifestation. Judgement of aggravation and manifestation is the matter of great concern and practice. In  few cases the produced  symptoms are all mixed and therefore difficult to understand. In such cases we must be able to differentiate  the symptoms carefully. In  both the cases the patient’s feeling and the condition is a matter of great concern. I am very sure that one can learn the art very easily.             
                                                                          If it is an aggravation that means the remedy is not suitable for the patient and it must be anti-doted immediately. In the case of aggravation, the patient’s feeling and the condition may become worse or some more sufferings are created.The symptoms of an aggravation are the part of MM and repertory. 
                                                                                           If the produced symptom  is a manifestation that means the remedy is suitable for the patient and it is the most happy thing to happen. In the case of manifestation the patient’s feeling and condition becomes better. Manifestation is the indication of right remedy for the patient. It is generally the sign of correct and suitable remedy for the case in hand. These are also called favourable symptoms.These symptoms are not the part of MM or repertory. Let us see how to recognise a manifestation—
(1) Glandular swelling—It is one good manifestation. It is generally in the neck (throat/ larynx) . The symptom is temporary and disappears after some times. The gland may become painful but the patient will feel better. Be careful and observe for some time, it may be an aggravation.
(2) Toothache or sensitives  in teeth— It is one very common manifestation. It may be in one tooth or in  many teeth. It may be in a tooth with cavity or in a sound teeth. If the toothache or sensitiveness is continuous in nature, then it may be an aggravation (Refer MM & Repertory for the remedy). If the toothache or sensitiveness appears and disappears  and repapers again after some times, then it must be considered to be manifestation. 
(3) Headache- It is a very common manifestation. This type of headache is intermittent (Do not mix with periodical) in nature. It appears for some times and disappears and may reappear again after some times. It could be partially or in full head. The nature  of headache is something like heaviness.  Be careful in deciding. Few remedies produce headache as mentioned in MM. It is continuous in nature with some more symptoms or increase in the sufferings.
(4) Bleeding with stool (Piles)- It is also a manifestation. Bleeding is caused temporarily. Few remedies can produce this symptom as part of aggravation. I have never experienced it so far.
(5) Eruption in mouth- It is a perfect manifestation. It appears for some times and subsides automatically. 
(6) Ear pain (Otalgia)- It is perfect manifestation. The pain appears for few seconds or minutes.  it is in either of the ear. We should compare with the sides effected.
(7) Rheumatism—I have my self experienced this. The pain wanders from one part to other part of the body. It appears, disappears, changes place and reappears again. It must be differentiated carefully with aggravation. The nature of the symptom may be slightly different but the patient should not feel worse ,if  not better. 
(8) Eruption is considered to be a manifestation. It is generally in face.
(9) Otorrhoea- Some kind of discharge from the ear is considered to be a manifestation. If Something unwanted comes out from the body, it is always good.                                

                                                                             In all of the above what is common is that the patient must feel better with manifestation  and must feel worse with aggravation. I have never mentioned the time duration of appearance or disappearance or reappearance because it will again depend upon many factors like remedy, potency and mainly quantity. I will explain it again in the practicals of Homoeopathy. Long Live the name of Dr. Hahnemann.

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Diabetes Vs Homoeopathy

                                                DIABETES VS HOMOEOPATHY

First of all let us understand what is diabetes ? A gland is very much an organ. The glands support all other organs and organ systems to function according to the requirement. There is a gland called Pancreas. It has two functions--


(1) Endocrine function -Under the endocrine function, it releases substances directly into the  blood stream.The endocrine portion of the pancreas form many small cluster of cells and is called Islets of Langerhans. It is named after the name of the scientist who found and invented it. A  human has roughly one million islets. The pancreatic islets has three major type of cells.
(A) Alpha cells- It secretes the hormone called Glucagon. When we keep fast or if we do not take food, our body becomes glucose deficient. In such a situation the pancreas secrete the hormone called Glucagon. This hormone raises blood glucose level by stimulating the liver to convert it's glycogen into glucose. The Liver releases stored glucose so as to maintain the required glucose level in the body. That means the glucagon acts to raise blood sugar.
(B) Beta cells- it produces a hormone called Insulin and is of our main interest. When we eat food. The Glucose level in our body increases. The moment the glucose level increases the pancreas(Beta cell) releases insulin. The insulin opens the way for glucose to be distributed to the cells. Our cells get energy. Mean while the glucose level  goes down. This is a very delicate balance of glucose and insulin and it takes place many times in a day, when ever we take food. That means the insulin acts to lower the blood sugar.
(c) Delta cells- Secrete the hormone Somatostatin.The primary function of somatostatin is to prevent the production of other hormones and also stop the unnatural rapid reproduction of cells — such as those that may occur in tumors. The hormone also acts as a neurotransmitter and has a role in the gastrointestinal tract.
(d) Gamma cells- It produces pancreatic polypeptide and make up 3–5% of the total islet cells. Pancreatic polypeptide regulates both the endocrine and exocrine pancreatic secretions.
(2) Exocrine function.  Under the exocrine function it produces Pancreatic Enzymes for digestion and  releases substances to the exterior duct or into cavities. A healthy pancreas produces the correct chemicals in the proper quantities, at the right time, to digest the food we eat. 
 No production of insulin is referred as Type 1 diabetes and insufficient production of insulin is called Type 2 diabetes. Majority of the people suffer with Type II diabetes.  Once the diabetes is detected, the problem starts and  then what we do ? We inject insulin in our body. The insulin level goes high and we feel comfortable for some time. This has to be repeated on daily basis. Every one injects insulin and no one attends to Pancreas. . It is because no system can bring the functioning of Pancreas to "Normal working" so as to produce sufficient Insulin. Every one talks of insulin and reminds- do not take sweet. Not taking sweet will help us not to increase the blood glucose but it can never correct pancreas functioning. Only and only Single remedy system can understand and define the cause of under functioning of pancreas and bring back it’s functioning to normal. In this system the diabetes does not refer to the prescription for diabetes and insulin. This system  reminds  us to understand the cause and cure it. The diabetes  can never  be cured by direct injection and application of medicine. It can be cured only by removing the cause and not otherwise. 
Now we will see our main interest of diabetes. What happens if the pancreas is unable to produce sufficient  insulin? The blood glucose level goes high and it remains high because there is no sufficient insulin available to bring the glucose level down. Mean while our cell do not get energy due to deficiency of insulin. This condition is known  as Diabetes. It will be worth to know that our body likes to maintain and function normal between 70 to 120 mg/dl of glucose . This range of glucose level is also known as "sweet spot". Glucose level below 70 is dangerous and above 120 is alarming. So the average glucose level range is about 95 mg/dl.  If we go for a blood glucose test in the morning empty stomach, the blood glucose test report below 100mg/dl is very good. 
A diabetic patient is advised to reduce on sugar/sweet intake. If the glucose level in the body reduces below 60mg/dl, the human can become unconscious. This state is called diabetic coma. Meaning coma caused by too less glucose level. This condition is considered to be serious. If the medical help is provided in time, the health is restored.
Our brain keeps working even at this glucose level.
If the glucose level falls below 40 mg/dl, even the brain may stop working. The health can not be restored.
We all should be grateful to almighty for such a unique creation—HUMAN BEING.
Any thing that we eat is absorbed in our body in three different forms—Amino acids( Proteins by meat etc), FATS ( Fried food etc.) and carbohydrates (Sugar, icecream etc.). To maintain a normal blood sugar range, we must control the intake of carbohydrates.
Should there be any blood sugar related issue, the Single remedy system of Homeopathy can help and cure. 
The data and glucose level is approximate and only for general information. It may vary from people to people.

In conventional system, the diabetes is treated but it's cause is left un attended. No body even talks about the cause. Let people advertise for some system, let people commercialise some system and let people politicalise some system. But I would like to remind that do not forget the law of nature “ Nothing can be hidden”. The fact is that only and only single remedy system can cure  diabetes. Other system will only offer relief and benefit, but  not cure.
So, now we understand that the system for the cure of cause is available. Then the question is why the number  of diabetes cases are on the rise not only in India, but all over the world?  Why there  is no control over it? My objective is not to criticise a patient or a doctor  or a system. The whole  objective is to understand what is happening around us and what is happening in medical field? Let us analyse the possibilities—
(1) It requires vast and in-depth knowledge of Homoeopathy to follow the curing principles.
(2) The doctor should be ready to dedicate enough  time to understand the case, find the root cause and  cure it. 
(3) In today’s world the life has become very fast. A patient needs fast cure and a doctor tries to cure  quickly. Which may not be possible.
(4) If a doctor gives more time in a case, he may charge high. The patient may not be able to pay high charges.
(5)  A patient always expects quick and favourable response to the disease.
(6)If a doctor follows the curing principles, he has to give constitutional remedy. Quick selection of a suitable constitutional remedy is generally not possible. If the constitutional remedy  is suitable for the patient, the improvement  begins. But if the constitutional remedy is not suitable to the patient , the situation may go worse. A patient may not be ready to understand the fact that his situation may have gone worse temporarily, but in the long term he will have great benefit of following the single remedy system. A patient expects favourable response of the remedy. If the situation goes worse, the patient will not consult the doctor any more. In this process a doctor may experience a decrease in number of patients. It will become a matter of great concern for the doctor. The doctor  will feel his survival difficult.
 (7) All these prevailing situations may not encourage the patient as well as the doctor to follow the single  remedy system.
(8) The doctor may possibly deviate form the single remedy system owing to the difficulties faced and experienced by him. 
( 9) There is every chance that the patient will not agree to the single remedy system.
             (10)There is every chance that the doctor will not follow the single remedy system. 
         (11)) There are remedies available in Homoeopathy which can act directly on the diabetes condition and can  reduce the blood glucose level.  For example- Preparations of Syzygium Jambolanum. It may well be accepted by the patient as well as the doctor. It may be able to temporarily reduce the glucose level but the law of homoeopathy prohibits us from doing so. The Homoeopathy is loosing ground due to this  reason. Remember only few passionate people follow the Single Remedy system.                                                                                             
So, the true picture is now available and we all have to collectively decide — What to do?

Wednesday, 4 January 2017


What is an Antidote- Any remedy, which is used to counter and neutralise the symptoms (effect) produced by a remedy is called an Antidote. If “B” remedy  has produced xyz symptoms and “A” remedy is used to counter and neutralise these produced xyz symptoms, the “A” remedy is called the antidote to “B” remedy. It is done if xyz are unfavourable symptoms and is not desirable. And therefore it is required to be antidoted to neutralise the produced harmful effect. These produced effects are the sufferings or the aggravations.
How to antidote a remedy?  If a remedy has produced unfavourable symptoms, we must neutralise it by giving a suitable antidote, otherwise the patient may continue to suffer. Let us see how to antidote a remedy—
(1) Select the antidote carefully- Avoid choosing follow-up remedy as an antidote. It may increase the sufferings, because the follow-up remedies generally strengthen the symptoms produced by the previous remedy.
(2) If “A” remedy is an antidote as well as a follow-up  to “B” remedy, the behaviour will depend up on the quantity used. The micro quantity of “A” remedy will work as an antidote to “B” remedy.  If the quantity of “A” remedy is more, it will act as follow-up  to “B” remedy and if the quantity of “A” remedy is much  more, it will create it’s own symptoms.
(3) Carefully select the potency of the antidote- It should be equivalent to the potency, you wish to antidote. Remember all the remedies in 30th or any other potency are not equally strong. Strength of “A” remedy in 30th potency may be different than the strength of “B” remedy in 30th. The antidote should be equally strong to the remedy being antidoted. A  slight difference in the strength also works. So the strength of Antidote may be slightly less than the strength of remedy to be antidoted.
(4) The quantity of the antidote should be always less than the remedy to be antidoted. If the quantity of antidote is more, then it will produce it’s own symptoms.
(5) Avoid repeating the antidote. If at all required, give only after sufficient interval of time and in very-very minute quantity. Other wise the antidote may produce it’s own symptoms adding more sufferings to the patient.
(6) Generally Nux.Vomica 30th, Aconite Nap. 30th and camphor 30th are used  as an antidote. Avoid using higher potency of these remedies. Do not use Nux.V and Camphor after one another. That means never use Nux.v after camphor or camphor after Nux.v. Few remedies require to be antidoted by some other remedy. We have to study the antidote remedy wise.
(7) I have successfully used hot black coffee(without milk) as an antidote for some remedies. Little sugar may be added. Be careful few patients may fall sick after taking hot black coffee, which it self is a symptom—aggravation from coffee. It can help us to select the right remedy for the case in hand. 
(8) Kapoor water(the kapoor which is used in aarti) can be used to antidote few remedies. For this- take one cup of water and add a piece of kapoor. Cover it with a plate. Leave it for about 15 minutes. The water gains the eesence  of Kapoor. The kapoor remains floating and does not get dissolved in the water. Now take this water (with the essence of kapoor), one spoon every five minutes or as required. Keep the water in mouth for some times and note the difference. The patient may feel better or worse. If better, swallow it and if not better then spit it out. Note that kapoor is the base substance for the preparation of the remedy Camphor. Never Keep kapoor or tincture of the camphor near  any remedy. It’s essence may spoil the effectiveness of  a remedy or may amend it’s property.
(9) Remember the antidote may counter the effect of a remedy but it can never reduce the working period (Periodicity) of the remedy. If you take one pill of a remedy. It will work for about two years in many cases(Which is true). Suppose it has produced unfavourable symptoms. Now it is required to be antidoted. We have to keep taking very-very small quantity of a suitable antidote regularly or as and when required for complete this two years. To reduce the periodicity the only way is to reduce the quantity to bare minimum(micro-micro quantity). 
(10) Lesser the quantity easier to antidote- If the quantity of the remedy is too much, the quantity of antidote also needs to be more and even then it is very difficult to antidote. It is very likely that we will commit some mistake and the patient will have to suffer a lot. If the quantity of antidote is more, it may force the remedy out at once and cause the patient to fall sick. So we have to learn to antidote remedy softly and slowly. So use micro-micro quantity of a remedy and  expertise the art of antidoting. 

HOW IMPORTANT IS IT TO ANTIDOTE A REMEDY IN TIME—Ia remedy is given and found not suitable then it is very important to antidote the remedy. It may cause more harm or may cause more suffering. At the same time we have to follow the LAW OF DRAINAGE. It states that if a remedy is not suitable, it must be antidoted in due course. So, We have to face serious consequences, if it is not antidoted properly in time or  as and when required. Do you know why i have mentioned as and when required? It is because symptoms become silent for some time and reappear again. I have experienced that if the remedy is opposite in nature and not antidoted,  it may encourage the infection to develop faster. The remedy may become supportive to the infection hidden in the body. It will ultimately cause the killer disease sooner than expected and it’s natural appearance. For example if diabetic was to happen after five years, but due to wrong remedy the patient became diabetic in four years it self. That means one year before the due and expected. This is for sure and i have absolutely no doubt in saying this. It may be hard for you to believe but the fact. It makes Homoeopathy complex again and therefore i warn people-“Neve touch the preparations “ if you do not know”. I would like to emphasise that nothing happens without theory but at the same time mere reading  Homoeopathy can never be sufficient to practice. It requires an expanded study and experimentation. I have tried to put all my learning for you to learn. 

 Refer “Disease forecast” and “Blood basic”— Pages to come.

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Deceptive Characteristic behaviour of remedies

                    The Deceptive characteristic behaviour of the remedies
It is surprising that only few characteristic behaviour has been published by only few sites for such a vast science. Homoeopathy is an amazing science with secrets in very step. It reminds us that homeopathy is a science as well as an art, which has to be learnt in order to cure a case without causing any harm. It is for us to explore it. I have dedicated sixteen years of my life, reading Homoeopathy with 9 years 24x7 devotion, and still continue. During this period i myself took many-many remedies repeatedly in different potencies so as to learn & understand Homoeopathy. The findings are repeatedly confirmed and it is worse than said and better than explained. It is up to us to use it. I am sure that there can not be any mistake while writing.  I have tried to illustrate all the characteristic behaviour of Homoeopathic remedies according to my practical experience. Very few/minor deviations may be experienced depending on the remedy, the quantity, the make & brand of a remedy, the potency, the climate & the weather and  the constitution of the patient etc. In general it is true to all the constitutional remedies and are as follows— 
(1) If the remedy taken is too less in quantity, the symptoms(effect of the remedy) will appear much later. If the symptoms appear after 10 to 15 hours, the quantity may be considered to be correct quantity.
(2) If the remedy taken is too much in quantity(for the case in hand) , the effect will appear immediately in few seconds. It is never a good sign. Even if the remedy is correct, the large quantity should never be given. Kindly do not relate injury remedies (A separate page will follow)
(3) The effect of the lower potency remedy appear sooner. The effect to the higher potency remedies appear after much time gap.
(4) The lower potency remedies work for smaller time and the higher potency remedies work for longer time. 
(5) The lower potency of remedies will create (and thereby cure) a different set of symptoms and the higher potency will create (and thereby cure) a different set of symptoms. Every potency has a corresponding set of symptoms which can be created and thereby can be cured.
(6) The remedies may create different set of symptoms in different constitution of the patient. This makes Homoeopathy unique and complex. Therefore one remedy can not be used for any one disease. It would be worth to note that every case is a new case and a new search has to be  made for each patient for the same disease. If five patients are diabetic, all the five will be cured by five different remedies.  
(7) The metal and chemical kingdom remedies work for longer-longer time and the vegetable kingdom remedies work for smaller time. you need to study this in details, remedy wise.
(8) The Nosodes work for longer time. it should be used only in highest potency and in micro quantity. It has no antidotes. I have always advised, never use nosodes. The medical Chest of  Homoeopathic remedies is sufficient enough to cover & cure all types of diseases in every human being. A separate page will follow.
(9)  The venoms work for longer time and micro-micro quantity use is the only option. it is good to analyse and understand that after all ,what do you want to do out of a remedy? How long you want it work? How to control the adverse effect, if any? you must ascertain a suitable antidote for the case in hand before you administer a remedy. 
(10) It appears that lower potency remedies carry some poisonous substance and that too with some strength, so it should be used with utmost care. It is very reactive in few cases. The higher potency may not carry any poisonous substance but the strength of the poison increases. By potentizing, It develops an atomic characteristic to act more inner,  more  deeper and for longer- longer time. So, it is always advised to use it with great care. 
(11) All the Homoepathic remedies have strong drug affinities and therefore the symptoms get intermixed. It makes the selection of the right remedy very-very difficult.
(12) Follow up remedies make the previous remedy more strong , which may result in more aggravation and longer action.
(13) We must follow the inimical remedy column seriously, Never use the inimical remedies either before or after or simultaneously. It creates  confusion in the symptoms. The result is always bad. You will be dragged in “What to do state”
(14) Same remedy, same potency and the same quantity may produce different symptoms in different patients due to different constitution and medical back ground. This feature makes the Homeopathy --A complex science of cure.
(15) Remedies attack the weakest part of the body, first.
(16) Remedies attack the weakest organ of the body, most.
(17) The effect of the remedy may be displayed by the patient after some time delay. This time delay may be used in judging the exact quantity required. The greater quantity produces the symptoms very quickly. The smaller quantity produces the symptoms after much time delay. A delay of about 10 to 15 hours may indicate that the quantity given was the right quantity depending on the susceptibility  of the patient. We have to expertise the art.
(18) If the remedy given is just opposite in nature to the required remedy, it may produce the effect much quickly. In such cases, the patient may fall in-proportionally sick due to the remedy. The situation becomes worse.
(19) When the action of the remedy is about to exhaust and finish, it will try to leave the body. At this time the action goes to the peak.  It produces  fever, then the alimentary system and then the circulatory system and lastly the resperatory system.etc. If the patient is strong enough, the remedy causes little harm and if the patient is weak, it causes great harm. If the quantity given was too much , it may be declared a case of multiple organ failure. The cause is silent because very few people   know the use of the remedy. Here the remedy may work as a silent killer. May be, this is the reason, some body has said that  using Homeopathic remedy without knowledge is like   driving a car which is not fitted with brakes. It is due to this reason, I call it--DECEPTIVE characteristics behaviour of the Homeopathic remedies.
(20) If the quantity given was too much, it will take longer time to leave the body--10 years to 100 years. There are remedies, one pill can work for about 300 (three hundred) years.
(21) If the quantity given was too much, it will cause much disaster at the time of living the body. The situation may be out of control. 
(22) Allopathic or Ayurvedic medicines can not counter the effect of homoeopathic remedies in most of the cases.
(23) Homoeopathic remedies should be better called  potentized poisons .
(24) when a remedy is taken, it may aggravate  the symptoms. The patient’s condition becomes worse. Please refer htypracticals.blogspot.com
(25) When a remedy is taken or given, it may produce some symptoms, which will eventually point towards the symptoms of actually indicated remedy.
(26) Never depend on the grand characteristic, it is just a reference.
(27) Do not believe in rumour and never have a preset in your mind that the Homeopathic remedies are safe to use and no side effect. The fact is that the Homeopathic remedies are most unsafe and if not used correctly, it has fatal after effects.
(28) If the quantity used is too much, the effect will be produced in the higher part of the body, it will act deeper in the body, it will act for longer time and while leaving the body, it will make the patient to fall sick seriously and dangerously.
(29) All the Homoeopathic remedies have it’s own set of symptoms and it’s own application.
(30) The lower potency work in lower and outer part of the body.
(31) The higher potency work in upper and deeper part of the body.
(32) Remedies  work for longer-longer time in children, aged patients and weak patients. This makes the action of  the remedy “age dependent”. Page to follow.
(33) Golden rule of Homeopathy suggests go from lower to higher potency. Starting from lower potency is like keeping safe from danger. 
(34) If “A” remedy is an antidote as well as a follow-up  to “B” remedy, the behaviour will depend up on the quantity used. The micro quantity of “A” remedy will work as an antidote to “B” remedy.  If the quantity of “A” remedy is more, it will act as follow-up  to “B” remedy and if the quantity of “A” remedy is much  more, it will create it’s own symptoms.
(35) The disease which appear last, will be cured first. That means the diseases will be cured in the reverse direction of their appearance. For example, if a disease appeared few months back, it will be cured first and the disease which appeared few years back, will be cured next.  But i have experienced that in few cases all the diseases started getting better and cured simultaneously.
(36) Repeated use of one  or many remedies can not change the constitution of the patient. The remedies will produce it’s symptoms but the human’s constitution remains unchanged.
(37) If the effect of one remedy is not yet exhausted and mean while some more remedy is taken, the remedy may produce different symptoms depending on the remedy and the potency taken.
(38) if many or multiple remedies are taken simultaneously then the remedies will produce it’s own symptoms, may try to antidote one another, may cause more aggravation and the action will go to peaks and  come out  one by one. There is every chance of having a state of confusion in analysing a symptom. Refer point number 19.
(39) Homeopathic remedies are strong enough to expel the allergy and hereditary causes out of the  body.
(40) The diseases created by over dosing of the remedy (Drug disease) is more serious than the natural disease of the patient.
(41) No single symptom should justify the prescription.
(42) Same infection, same family-- three members--Three different constitutional remedies will be used for cure. Single remedy minimum dose being the key to cure. Refer htyremedies.blogspot.com
(43) Suppose, a remedy produces ten symptoms, 8 symptoms (8 out of 10) may subside on it's own with time, at the time when the remedy's effect gets totally exhausted. But the remaining 2 Symptoms will get attached with the patient's constitution and now it can only be cured by the constitutional remedy of the patient.

These are just a few. There is no end to this wonder “Homoeopathy” Long live the Name of the discoverer Dr. Hahnemann.

Monday, 2 January 2017

Potency selection

                                     POTENCY SELECTION
Potency selection is the key to cure a case. And it is not by desire. I have seen that many experienced people have failed in potency selection and spoiled the case. Most of the people become victim of the potentised remedy for no fault of their own. The patient goes to the doctor for cure and instead gets more sufferings and diseases. That is the reason i would always like to  first explain the  very-very harmful aspect of the remedy in potency  and then the advantage next. It is also important because the remedy in potency harms  99% of the patient and benefits hardly one lucky patient. Homeopathy is a very-very fine and soft art and does not require a monkey character. Considering this it is always better to keep yourself as much away as possible from the Homoeopathy and its remedy in potency. Getting a good Homoeopath is almost impossible, should it be easy i would not have been here. Let us see how to select a correct potency for the case in hand-
(1) Acute affections are treated with lower potency and the chronic cases are treated with slightly higher potency. 
(2) Affections in lower & outer part may need lower potency but affections in upper & inner part may need to be treated with slightly higher potency.
(3) Superficial affections need lower potency and deeper affections need higher potency.
(4) Action of lower potency is very quick and for short period of time. Action of higher potency is slightly delayed and for longer period of time.
(5) You must refer the page “Age factor for potency selection”
(6) Stage of the disease and the potency of the remedy must match in order to get a cure.
(7) Different potency creates different symptoms (diseases) and therefore different symptoms(diseases) can be cured  by different potency.
(8) Lower potency of one remedy may be equally strong as higher potency of other remedy.
(9) As a rule we must go from lower to higher potency.
(10) Action of lower potency is more violent and therefore difficult to handle.
(11) Action of higher potency is deeper and longer acting and therefore difficult to handle.
(12) Lower potency may be required to be repeated whereas higher potency should be repeated only if required and that too with great care.
(13) Tincture, lower, middle and higher— All the potencies has it’s own application and are very effective and if you do not know the use,then it is harmful beyond your imagination and expectation.
(14) All the remedies are not equally strong in any one potency.
                                                                                In my experience of sixteen years, i have used 30th and 200th potency very frequently. It has covered  and cured 99% of the cases. Remember all the remedies in all the potencies  are very harmful if not  used correctly. Remedies are not only harmful, but   capable of killing a patient. Better do not try. Even Dr. Nash has said that a remedy capable of curing is capable of killing  as well, if misapplied. It is the truth and beyond common man’s believe. So, it is always better to believe. One may need to struggle to believe but then will loose a lot. Better learn from others without loosing.

Please refer characteristic behaviour of Homeopathic remedies— Pages to come. 

Sunday, 1 January 2017

Law of cure

                                              Law of cure
There are three laws of cure. It is very simple, very natural and very logical-
(1) If there is anything unwanted in our body, where can it come out from? Well, it can come out from mouth, ear, nose, eyes, skin, through/with stool or through/with urine. Is not it very SIMPLE ? So is the FIRST LAW— “from inside to out side”. That means the infection is expelled from within to outward. For example- eruption in mouth or some kind of sensation in ear etc. It may be painful but for short period of time and no other remedy is required to be taken. We want it to happen. It is an indication that the infection is leaving  the body and comping out.  It is the way to make the body free from infection.
(2) Every thing  comes from above downward. Is not it very NATURAL? So is the SECOND LAW— “from top to bottom”. That means the infection should be forced to go downward and out. Because the whole control and the functioning is situated in the upper part of the body, so it is required to be freed. It is something like to force the infection to leave the control and functioning and vacate the place and go down. Now that the infection has come down, it  will be forced out very easily. And now the organs are free to work.
(3) When we go the market or some other place, we go through the convenient route and also come back through a convenient route. This convenient route is almost the same for going and coming back. Is not it very LOGICAL? So is the THIRD LAW—“The infection should leave the body the way it entered”. That means  if a patient had ankle pain, then knee swelling, then backache and now the palpitation. It will mean that  the infection has entered the body through ankle, knee and back. Now the infection should be thrown out from heart to back, then to knee and finally to ankle and out. It is generally seen while curing a case of rheumatism. In such a case the patient will admit that he had exactly similar knee swelling and ankle pain etc some times in past. At the same time he will say that  he is feeling better than before. It is because he is nearing complete cure. And i am very sure that he will be left with no complain and he will be cured for ever.
                                                                                                                            So beautiful is the Homoeopathic law of cure. Long live the name of Dr. Hahnemann.

                                                                                                           As far as i know, there is no such fixed and fine law of cure in any other system. Also refer manifestation, page to come.