I AM NOT A DOCTOR.The content in this blog is based on my experiments. Please refer htyremedies.blogspot.com, htypracticals.blogspot.com, htyinjuryremedies.blogspot.com.

Monday, 2 January 2017

Potency selection

                                     POTENCY SELECTION
Potency selection is the key to cure a case. And it is not by desire. I have seen that many experienced people have failed in potency selection and spoiled the case. Most of the people become victim of the potentised remedy for no fault of their own. The patient goes to the doctor for cure and instead gets more sufferings and diseases. That is the reason i would always like to  first explain the  very-very harmful aspect of the remedy in potency  and then the advantage next. It is also important because the remedy in potency harms  99% of the patient and benefits hardly one lucky patient. Homeopathy is a very-very fine and soft art and does not require a monkey character. Considering this it is always better to keep yourself as much away as possible from the Homoeopathy and its remedy in potency. Getting a good Homoeopath is almost impossible, should it be easy i would not have been here. Let us see how to select a correct potency for the case in hand-
(1) Acute affections are treated with lower potency and the chronic cases are treated with slightly higher potency. 
(2) Affections in lower & outer part may need lower potency but affections in upper & inner part may need to be treated with slightly higher potency.
(3) Superficial affections need lower potency and deeper affections need higher potency.
(4) Action of lower potency is very quick and for short period of time. Action of higher potency is slightly delayed and for longer period of time.
(5) You must refer the page “Age factor for potency selection”
(6) Stage of the disease and the potency of the remedy must match in order to get a cure.
(7) Different potency creates different symptoms (diseases) and therefore different symptoms(diseases) can be cured  by different potency.
(8) Lower potency of one remedy may be equally strong as higher potency of other remedy.
(9) As a rule we must go from lower to higher potency.
(10) Action of lower potency is more violent and therefore difficult to handle.
(11) Action of higher potency is deeper and longer acting and therefore difficult to handle.
(12) Lower potency may be required to be repeated whereas higher potency should be repeated only if required and that too with great care.
(13) Tincture, lower, middle and higher— All the potencies has it’s own application and are very effective and if you do not know the use,then it is harmful beyond your imagination and expectation.
(14) All the remedies are not equally strong in any one potency.
                                                                                In my experience of sixteen years, i have used 30th and 200th potency very frequently. It has covered  and cured 99% of the cases. Remember all the remedies in all the potencies  are very harmful if not  used correctly. Remedies are not only harmful, but   capable of killing a patient. Better do not try. Even Dr. Nash has said that a remedy capable of curing is capable of killing  as well, if misapplied. It is the truth and beyond common man’s believe. So, it is always better to believe. One may need to struggle to believe but then will loose a lot. Better learn from others without loosing.

Please refer characteristic behaviour of Homeopathic remedies— Pages to come. 

1 comment:

  1. Chronic anxiety and sleeping problem. Senior citizen.what potency of kali phos and what dosage frequency ?
