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Saturday, 7 January 2017

Diabetes Vs Homoeopathy

                                                DIABETES VS HOMOEOPATHY

First of all let us understand what is diabetes ? A gland is very much an organ. The glands support all other organs and organ systems to function according to the requirement. There is a gland called Pancreas. It has two functions--


(1) Endocrine function -Under the endocrine function, it releases substances directly into the  blood stream.The endocrine portion of the pancreas form many small cluster of cells and is called Islets of Langerhans. It is named after the name of the scientist who found and invented it. A  human has roughly one million islets. The pancreatic islets has three major type of cells.
(A) Alpha cells- It secretes the hormone called Glucagon. When we keep fast or if we do not take food, our body becomes glucose deficient. In such a situation the pancreas secrete the hormone called Glucagon. This hormone raises blood glucose level by stimulating the liver to convert it's glycogen into glucose. The Liver releases stored glucose so as to maintain the required glucose level in the body. That means the glucagon acts to raise blood sugar.
(B) Beta cells- it produces a hormone called Insulin and is of our main interest. When we eat food. The Glucose level in our body increases. The moment the glucose level increases the pancreas(Beta cell) releases insulin. The insulin opens the way for glucose to be distributed to the cells. Our cells get energy. Mean while the glucose level  goes down. This is a very delicate balance of glucose and insulin and it takes place many times in a day, when ever we take food. That means the insulin acts to lower the blood sugar.
(c) Delta cells- Secrete the hormone Somatostatin.The primary function of somatostatin is to prevent the production of other hormones and also stop the unnatural rapid reproduction of cells — such as those that may occur in tumors. The hormone also acts as a neurotransmitter and has a role in the gastrointestinal tract.
(d) Gamma cells- It produces pancreatic polypeptide and make up 3–5% of the total islet cells. Pancreatic polypeptide regulates both the endocrine and exocrine pancreatic secretions.
(2) Exocrine function.  Under the exocrine function it produces Pancreatic Enzymes for digestion and  releases substances to the exterior duct or into cavities. A healthy pancreas produces the correct chemicals in the proper quantities, at the right time, to digest the food we eat. 
 No production of insulin is referred as Type 1 diabetes and insufficient production of insulin is called Type 2 diabetes. Majority of the people suffer with Type II diabetes.  Once the diabetes is detected, the problem starts and  then what we do ? We inject insulin in our body. The insulin level goes high and we feel comfortable for some time. This has to be repeated on daily basis. Every one injects insulin and no one attends to Pancreas. . It is because no system can bring the functioning of Pancreas to "Normal working" so as to produce sufficient Insulin. Every one talks of insulin and reminds- do not take sweet. Not taking sweet will help us not to increase the blood glucose but it can never correct pancreas functioning. Only and only Single remedy system can understand and define the cause of under functioning of pancreas and bring back it’s functioning to normal. In this system the diabetes does not refer to the prescription for diabetes and insulin. This system  reminds  us to understand the cause and cure it. The diabetes  can never  be cured by direct injection and application of medicine. It can be cured only by removing the cause and not otherwise. 
Now we will see our main interest of diabetes. What happens if the pancreas is unable to produce sufficient  insulin? The blood glucose level goes high and it remains high because there is no sufficient insulin available to bring the glucose level down. Mean while our cell do not get energy due to deficiency of insulin. This condition is known  as Diabetes. It will be worth to know that our body likes to maintain and function normal between 70 to 120 mg/dl of glucose . This range of glucose level is also known as "sweet spot". Glucose level below 70 is dangerous and above 120 is alarming. So the average glucose level range is about 95 mg/dl.  If we go for a blood glucose test in the morning empty stomach, the blood glucose test report below 100mg/dl is very good. 
A diabetic patient is advised to reduce on sugar/sweet intake. If the glucose level in the body reduces below 60mg/dl, the human can become unconscious. This state is called diabetic coma. Meaning coma caused by too less glucose level. This condition is considered to be serious. If the medical help is provided in time, the health is restored.
Our brain keeps working even at this glucose level.
If the glucose level falls below 40 mg/dl, even the brain may stop working. The health can not be restored.
We all should be grateful to almighty for such a unique creation—HUMAN BEING.
Any thing that we eat is absorbed in our body in three different forms—Amino acids( Proteins by meat etc), FATS ( Fried food etc.) and carbohydrates (Sugar, icecream etc.). To maintain a normal blood sugar range, we must control the intake of carbohydrates.
Should there be any blood sugar related issue, the Single remedy system of Homeopathy can help and cure. 
The data and glucose level is approximate and only for general information. It may vary from people to people.

In conventional system, the diabetes is treated but it's cause is left un attended. No body even talks about the cause. Let people advertise for some system, let people commercialise some system and let people politicalise some system. But I would like to remind that do not forget the law of nature “ Nothing can be hidden”. The fact is that only and only single remedy system can cure  diabetes. Other system will only offer relief and benefit, but  not cure.
So, now we understand that the system for the cure of cause is available. Then the question is why the number  of diabetes cases are on the rise not only in India, but all over the world?  Why there  is no control over it? My objective is not to criticise a patient or a doctor  or a system. The whole  objective is to understand what is happening around us and what is happening in medical field? Let us analyse the possibilities—
(1) It requires vast and in-depth knowledge of Homoeopathy to follow the curing principles.
(2) The doctor should be ready to dedicate enough  time to understand the case, find the root cause and  cure it. 
(3) In today’s world the life has become very fast. A patient needs fast cure and a doctor tries to cure  quickly. Which may not be possible.
(4) If a doctor gives more time in a case, he may charge high. The patient may not be able to pay high charges.
(5)  A patient always expects quick and favourable response to the disease.
(6)If a doctor follows the curing principles, he has to give constitutional remedy. Quick selection of a suitable constitutional remedy is generally not possible. If the constitutional remedy  is suitable for the patient, the improvement  begins. But if the constitutional remedy is not suitable to the patient , the situation may go worse. A patient may not be ready to understand the fact that his situation may have gone worse temporarily, but in the long term he will have great benefit of following the single remedy system. A patient expects favourable response of the remedy. If the situation goes worse, the patient will not consult the doctor any more. In this process a doctor may experience a decrease in number of patients. It will become a matter of great concern for the doctor. The doctor  will feel his survival difficult.
 (7) All these prevailing situations may not encourage the patient as well as the doctor to follow the single  remedy system.
(8) The doctor may possibly deviate form the single remedy system owing to the difficulties faced and experienced by him. 
( 9) There is every chance that the patient will not agree to the single remedy system.
             (10)There is every chance that the doctor will not follow the single remedy system. 
         (11)) There are remedies available in Homoeopathy which can act directly on the diabetes condition and can  reduce the blood glucose level.  For example- Preparations of Syzygium Jambolanum. It may well be accepted by the patient as well as the doctor. It may be able to temporarily reduce the glucose level but the law of homoeopathy prohibits us from doing so. The Homoeopathy is loosing ground due to this  reason. Remember only few passionate people follow the Single Remedy system.                                                                                             
So, the true picture is now available and we all have to collectively decide — What to do?

1 comment:

  1. Hello Sir,

    I read your article regarding one medicine cure using homeopathy. I am suffering form Chronic fatigue and Deep muscles pain all the time from 4 years, do you prescribe medicines or know homeopathy doctor in Delhi who prescribe only one medicine. please advise it would be appreciated.

