Prevention is better than cure
Homeopathic remedies can be used as preventive also. Arnica,Hypericum and Ledum pal can be used in juries as preventive for Tetanus. Baptisia can be used as a preventive for Typhoid syndrome.
Cure by Homeopathic remedy itself is prevention of disease. It does not only prevent diseases but the entire sufferings to come. It offers a disease free life. Most of the cures are once for ever and such cures can be called a prevention as well.
Good eating and living habit can help us to prevent disease. The the rate of growth of infection gets retarded. On the other hand if the eating and living habit is not well maintained, the infection develops faster. This makes the human to fall sick sooner. The over all health depends on our habits as well. This is the reason i am putting it here. Points to ponder—
(1) Eat less, drink more.
(2) Wash your hands before taking food.
(3) Retire to bed in time and wake up before Sun rise.
(4) Avoid non-vegetarian food.
(5) Do not take alcoholic drinks.
(6) Take plenty of fruits, salads and uncooked food like sprouted gram.
(7) Never do yoga unless you know it full.
(8) No big hairs, no big nails.
(9) Do not count what you do not have. Thank God for what you have.
(10) Live in a clean place and clean home.
(11) Do your duties sincerely.
(12) Look after your parents
(13) Jogging, cycling and swimming are good exercise. Brisk walking is good for health. If no work and no exercise, then your heart has to work more. If too much tiring exercise, your heart has to work more again. Balance the equation.
(14) Contribute something to society for good cause.
(15) Be honest and help the needy.
(16) Do not chew tobacco. It is dangerous.
(17) Do not smoke—Smoking is injurious to health, it reduces appetite, it reduces vigour, it causes cancer, smoking in public place is an offence, it harms , it kills, it darkens your lips making it look dull and it wastes your hard earned money. Do you want to still smoke? Stop smoking.
(18) Do not take much tea and coffee, instead take milk and curd.
(19) Keep your mind clean, do not harm others.
(20) Do not take Ayurvedic medicines in excess and blindly. Remember, any thing that benefits can harm as well.
(21) Keep your paper clean. Pay the govt. taxes in time. It is important to be individually rich but at some time or other you will realise that it is equally important to have a rich govt. which in turn provides development, good public transportation, safety and security of citizens etc. You earn peace of mind.
All is fine but No big hairs leads to what problem which one would like to prevent?