I AM NOT A DOCTOR.The content in this blog is based on my experiments. Please refer htyremedies.blogspot.com, htypracticals.blogspot.com, htyinjuryremedies.blogspot.com.

Wednesday, 4 January 2017


What is an Antidote- Any remedy, which is used to counter and neutralise the symptoms (effect) produced by a remedy is called an Antidote. If “B” remedy  has produced xyz symptoms and “A” remedy is used to counter and neutralise these produced xyz symptoms, the “A” remedy is called the antidote to “B” remedy. It is done if xyz are unfavourable symptoms and is not desirable. And therefore it is required to be antidoted to neutralise the produced harmful effect. These produced effects are the sufferings or the aggravations.
How to antidote a remedy?  If a remedy has produced unfavourable symptoms, we must neutralise it by giving a suitable antidote, otherwise the patient may continue to suffer. Let us see how to antidote a remedy—
(1) Select the antidote carefully- Avoid choosing follow-up remedy as an antidote. It may increase the sufferings, because the follow-up remedies generally strengthen the symptoms produced by the previous remedy.
(2) If “A” remedy is an antidote as well as a follow-up  to “B” remedy, the behaviour will depend up on the quantity used. The micro quantity of “A” remedy will work as an antidote to “B” remedy.  If the quantity of “A” remedy is more, it will act as follow-up  to “B” remedy and if the quantity of “A” remedy is much  more, it will create it’s own symptoms.
(3) Carefully select the potency of the antidote- It should be equivalent to the potency, you wish to antidote. Remember all the remedies in 30th or any other potency are not equally strong. Strength of “A” remedy in 30th potency may be different than the strength of “B” remedy in 30th. The antidote should be equally strong to the remedy being antidoted. A  slight difference in the strength also works. So the strength of Antidote may be slightly less than the strength of remedy to be antidoted.
(4) The quantity of the antidote should be always less than the remedy to be antidoted. If the quantity of antidote is more, then it will produce it’s own symptoms.
(5) Avoid repeating the antidote. If at all required, give only after sufficient interval of time and in very-very minute quantity. Other wise the antidote may produce it’s own symptoms adding more sufferings to the patient.
(6) Generally Nux.Vomica 30th, Aconite Nap. 30th and camphor 30th are used  as an antidote. Avoid using higher potency of these remedies. Do not use Nux.V and Camphor after one another. That means never use Nux.v after camphor or camphor after Nux.v. Few remedies require to be antidoted by some other remedy. We have to study the antidote remedy wise.
(7) I have successfully used hot black coffee(without milk) as an antidote for some remedies. Little sugar may be added. Be careful few patients may fall sick after taking hot black coffee, which it self is a symptom—aggravation from coffee. It can help us to select the right remedy for the case in hand. 
(8) Kapoor water(the kapoor which is used in aarti) can be used to antidote few remedies. For this- take one cup of water and add a piece of kapoor. Cover it with a plate. Leave it for about 15 minutes. The water gains the eesence  of Kapoor. The kapoor remains floating and does not get dissolved in the water. Now take this water (with the essence of kapoor), one spoon every five minutes or as required. Keep the water in mouth for some times and note the difference. The patient may feel better or worse. If better, swallow it and if not better then spit it out. Note that kapoor is the base substance for the preparation of the remedy Camphor. Never Keep kapoor or tincture of the camphor near  any remedy. It’s essence may spoil the effectiveness of  a remedy or may amend it’s property.
(9) Remember the antidote may counter the effect of a remedy but it can never reduce the working period (Periodicity) of the remedy. If you take one pill of a remedy. It will work for about two years in many cases(Which is true). Suppose it has produced unfavourable symptoms. Now it is required to be antidoted. We have to keep taking very-very small quantity of a suitable antidote regularly or as and when required for complete this two years. To reduce the periodicity the only way is to reduce the quantity to bare minimum(micro-micro quantity). 
(10) Lesser the quantity easier to antidote- If the quantity of the remedy is too much, the quantity of antidote also needs to be more and even then it is very difficult to antidote. It is very likely that we will commit some mistake and the patient will have to suffer a lot. If the quantity of antidote is more, it may force the remedy out at once and cause the patient to fall sick. So we have to learn to antidote remedy softly and slowly. So use micro-micro quantity of a remedy and  expertise the art of antidoting. 

HOW IMPORTANT IS IT TO ANTIDOTE A REMEDY IN TIME—Ia remedy is given and found not suitable then it is very important to antidote the remedy. It may cause more harm or may cause more suffering. At the same time we have to follow the LAW OF DRAINAGE. It states that if a remedy is not suitable, it must be antidoted in due course. So, We have to face serious consequences, if it is not antidoted properly in time or  as and when required. Do you know why i have mentioned as and when required? It is because symptoms become silent for some time and reappear again. I have experienced that if the remedy is opposite in nature and not antidoted,  it may encourage the infection to develop faster. The remedy may become supportive to the infection hidden in the body. It will ultimately cause the killer disease sooner than expected and it’s natural appearance. For example if diabetic was to happen after five years, but due to wrong remedy the patient became diabetic in four years it self. That means one year before the due and expected. This is for sure and i have absolutely no doubt in saying this. It may be hard for you to believe but the fact. It makes Homoeopathy complex again and therefore i warn people-“Neve touch the preparations “ if you do not know”. I would like to emphasise that nothing happens without theory but at the same time mere reading  Homoeopathy can never be sufficient to practice. It requires an expanded study and experimentation. I have tried to put all my learning for you to learn. 

 Refer “Disease forecast” and “Blood basic”— Pages to come.

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